Meeting Abstract S5.11 Wednesday, Jan. 5 The humpback whale flipper for application of bio-inspired tubercle technology FISH, F.E.; West Chester Univ., Pennsylvania The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is exceptional among the large baleen whales in its ability to undertake aquabatic maneuvers to catch prey. Humpback whales utilize extremely mobile, wing-like flippers for banking and turning. Large […]
sessions: S5
The Development of Biorobotic Models of Highly Deformable Fins and Fin Sensory Systems
Meeting Abstract S5.7 Wednesday, Jan. 5 The Development of Biorobotic Models of Highly Deformable Fins and Fin Sensory Systems TANGORRA, James*; ESPOSITO, Chris; PHELAN, Chris; LAUDER, George; Drexel University; Drexel University; Drexel University; Harvard University Bony fish swim with a level of agility that is unmatched in human-developed systems. This is due, in part, to the […]
Testing Biomimetic Structures in Bioinspired Robots
Meeting Abstract S5.6 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Testing Biomimetic Structures in Bioinspired Robots LONG, JH*; HIROKAWA, J; ROBERTS, S; KRENITSKY, N; FRIAS, C; DE LEEUW, J; PORTER, ME; Vassar College The mechanical design of a biological system is understood in the context of the functioning organism. Live organisms, however, come with practical constraints: complexity, variability, and transience. […]
Role of Robustness in Running Bio- and Bio-inspired Exoskeletons
Meeting Abstract S5.9 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Role of Robustness in Running: Bio- and Bio-inspired Exoskeletons FULL, R.J.*; JAYARAM, K.; MONGEAU, J.M.; BIRKMEYER, P.; HOOVER, A.; FEARING, R.S.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Robustness is one feature that sets organisms apart from engineered devices. Robustness has been defined, in part, as persistence – the ability to withstand perturbations […]
Razor Clam to RoboClam Biologically Inspired Mechanisms for Subsea Burrowing
Meeting Abstract S5.5 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Razor Clam to RoboClam: Biologically Inspired Mechanisms for Subsea Burrowing WINTER, V, A.G.*; DEITS, R.L.H.; DORSCH, D.S.; HOSOI, A.E.; SLOCUM, A.H.; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ensis directus, the Atlantic razor clam, should be too […]
Perspective on Biomechanics and Biomimetics Successes, Gaps and Regions Unexplored
Meeting Abstract S5.12 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Perspective on Biomechanics and Biomimetics: Successes, Gaps and Regions Unexplored PELL, Chuck; Duke University Though comparative biomechanics matures fruitfully within itself, aside from a few established areas it has yet to invade most fields that stand to benefit. This is partly because translating discoveries depends on the idiosyncrasies of communication […]
Linking Mechanics to Biochemistry in Molecular and Cellular Behavior through Systems Based Approaches
Meeting Abstract S5.2 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Linking Mechanics to Biochemistry in Molecular and Cellular Behavior through Systems Based Approaches LEDUC, Philip; Carnegie Mellon University The link between mechanics and biochemistry has been implicated in a myriad of scientific problems from cell movement and division, to signal transduction and gene expression. Advances in this field have been […]
Jellyfish-inspired propulsion
Meeting Abstract S5.4 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Jellyfish-inspired propulsion DABIRI, John O.; California Institute of Technology Jellyfish are the oldest, simplest, and arguably most successful species of swimming animal in the world. Yet they are primarily considered a nuisance on beaches or, at best, an attraction for aquarium-goers. This talk will describe how a biology-inspired approach to […]
Introduction Bioinspiration Applying mechanical design to experimental biology
Meeting Abstract S5.1 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Introduction “Bioinspiration: Applying mechanical design to experimental biology” FLAMMANG, B.E.*; PORTER, M.E.; Harvard University The production of bioinspired and biomimetic constructions has fostered much collaboration between biologists and engineers, although the extent of biological accuracy employed in the designs produced has not always been a priority. Even the exact definitions […]
How can bats inspire robotic fliers and micro air vehicles
Meeting Abstract S5.8 Wednesday, Jan. 5 How can bats inspire robotic fliers and micro air vehicles? SWARTZ, SM*; BREUER, KS; Brown University Research on the aeromechanics of bats has identified numerous distinctive characteristics in the structure of bat wings and the ways that the wings are employed during flight. However, all flying animals are far more […]