Physiology of high-elevation amphibians relationships with behavior and ecological challenge

NAVAS, C.A.; Universidade de S�o Paulo: Physiology of high-elevation amphibians: relationships with behavior and ecological challenge A well supported macro-ecological trend is the reduction of biological diversity along altitudinal gradients. Although tropical amphibians conform to this pattern, this taxon exhibits various species, genera and families that are significantly represented at elevations higher than 3000 m. […]

Genetic and phenotypic responses of small mammals to life at high altitudes

HAMMOND, KA*; CHMURA, CA; RUSSELL, GA; ORTIZ, S; UC. Riverside and White Mountain Research Station: Genetic and phenotypic responses of small mammals to life at high altitudes Because of their small size and high energy demands, small mammals living at high altitude face several important challenges. Energy demands are greater because of low ambient temperatures, […]

Effects of altitudinal gradients on salamander biodiversity in tropical America

WAKE, D; Univ. of California, Berkeley: Effects of altitudinal gradients on salamander biodiversity in tropical America Salamanders are abundant in Middle America and in Colombia but almost nowhere else in the tropics. The areas of greatest abundance are characterized by extreme topographic diversity and by unstable and shifting geology. Elevational transects from Veracruz, Mexico, to […]

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