Meeting Abstract S5-2.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Neuroendocrine regulation of sexual plasticity in fishes GODWIN, J*; SLANE, MA; GEMMELL, NJ; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University; University of Otago The study of sex differences has produced major insights into the organization of animal phenotypes and the regulatory mechanisms generating behavioral variation from similar genetic templates. […]
sessions: S5-2
Genetic and hormonal regulation of gonadal development and sexual plasticity in fish
Meeting Abstract S5-2.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Genetic and hormonal regulation of gonadal development and sexual plasticity in fish NAGAHAMA, Y.; Ehime Univ. Among the vertebrates, teleost fishes display the greatest diversity of sexual phenotypes, thus providing an excellent model to study molecular mechanisms of sex determination, sexual differentiation and sexual plasticity. We identified dmy as the […]