Impact of Xenobiotics on Crustacean Molting

ZOU, E.; Nicholls State University: Impact of Xenobiotics on Crustacean Molting Endocrine disruption by anthropogenic chemicals has been well documented for vertebrates, but has not been extensively studied for invertebrates except the imposex phenomenon in gastropods. Crustaceans are one of the larger animal groups. Concern has been expressed over the possibility that the same environmental […]

Expression of the peptide hormone APGWamide in imposex and normal snails A neurotoxicity mechanism for imposex induction

OBERD�RSTER, E; MCCLELLAN-GREEN, P; Southern Methodist University and Duke University Marine Laboratory; N.C. State University and Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC: Expression of the peptide hormone APGWamide in imposex and normal snails: A neurotoxicity mechanism for imposex induction. The environmental contaminant tributyltin (TBT), induces female neogastropods to grow male accessory sex organs. This condition […]

Effects of Estrogens on Reef-building Corals Comparisons with Vertebrates

TARRANT, A.M.; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Effects of Estrogens on Reef-building Corals: Comparisons with Vertebrates The vertebrate endocrine system is well-characterized, with many reports of disruption by environmental chemicals. In contrast, reef-building corals are less compartmentalized, physiological regulation is poorly understood, and the potential for disruption is unknown. While endocrine-like activity has not been systematically […]

Ecdysone responses of two estuarine crustaceans exposed through complete larval development to juvenile hormone agonist insecticides

TUBERTY, S.R.; MCKENNEY, C.L.; Appalachian State University, Boone, NC; USEPA, Gulf Ecology Division, Gulf Breeze,FL: Ecdysone responses of two estuarine crustaceans exposed through complete larval development to juvenile hormone agonist insecticides Fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen are insecticides that gain their toxicity by specifically acting as insect juvenile hormone agonists (JHA), and so are endocrine disruptors by […]

Caenorhabitis elegans and Elliptio complanata steroid responses and potential steroid response pathways

CALLARD, I.P.; WON, S.J.; NOVILLO, A.; FITZGERALD, K.; LI, C.; Boston University: Caenorhabitis elegans and Elliptio complanata: steroid responses and potential steroid response pathways In order to gain basic understanding of the reproductive and developmental effects of endocrine disrupters in invertebrates, we are currently using two different invertebrate taxa: the nematode worm (C. elegans) and […]

Agricultural and Urban NPS Runoff Effects on Grass Shrimp Population Life History Dynamics

SCOTT, G.I.; FULTON, M. H.; DAUGOMAH, J.D.; LEIGHT, A.K.; WIRTH, E.F.; HOLLAND, F.; CHANDLER, G.T.; PORTER, D; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; NOAA/NOS, CCEHBR and HML, Charleston, SC; University of […]

Acute Effects of Methoprene on Survival, Cuticular Morphogenesis and Shell Biosynthesis in the American Lobster, Homarus americanus

HORST,, M. N.*; WALKER,, A.N.; WILSON,, T.G.; BUSH,, P.; CHANG,, E.; MILLER,, T.; VOGEL,, R.; Mercer University ; Mercer University ; Ohio State University; University of Georgia; University of California, Davis; University of Maine; Mercer University ; : Acute Effects of Methoprene on Survival, Cuticular Morphogenesis and Shell Biosynthesis in the American Lobster, Homarus americanus […]

A survey of invertebrate FMRFamide-Related Peptides Annelid Endocrine Disruptors

KRAJNIAK, Kevin G.; Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville: A survey of invertebrate FMRFamide-Related Peptides: Annelid Endocrine Disruptors. The FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) are a group of neuropeptides that share a similar amino acid sequence. The first member of this family was the tetrapeptide FMRFamide, which was isolated from the ganglia of the clam, Macrocallista nimbosa, by Price […]

A retrospective look at the development of ecotoxicology from Rachel Carson to the present

FINGERMAN, Milton; Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.: A retrospective look at the development of ecotoxicology from Rachel Carson to the present. The publication of Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” in 1962 ushered in the beginning of a global awareness of the effects of environmental contaminants on both invertebrates and vertebrates. Since then the field of ecotoxicology, […]

Trade-offs and the evolution of altitude range limits in monkeyflowers

ANGERT, A. L.; SCHEMSKE, D. W.; Michigan State University: Trade-offs and the evolution of altitude range limits in monkeyflowers Every species occupies a restricted geographic area. Sometimes geographic distributions stop at obvious barriers such as land � water interfaces, but more frequently, distributions stop at seemingly arbitrary points along continuous environmental gradients. Ecologists often correlate […]

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