MARSHALL, D.J.; University of Queensland: Transgenerational Offspring Size Effects in Marine Invertebrates In marine invertebrates, the larval and adult stages of many species are often ecologically distinct and as consequence these stages have been traditionally been viewed as physiologically separate. More recently, we have begun to recognize that metamorphosis does not represent a new beginning […]
sessions: S4
Recruitment of marine organisms around Wellington, New Zealand a model natural system to examine causes and consequences of variability in larval quality in mussels and reef fish
PHILLIPS, N.E.*; SHIMA, J.S.; Victoria University of Wellington; Victoria University of Wellington: Recruitment of marine organisms around Wellington, New Zealand: a model natural system to examine causes and consequences of variability in larval quality in mussels and reef fish Accumulating evidence from laboratory experiments on a range of marine taxa indicates that variation in larval […]
PEARSON, GARETH A*; SERRAO, ESTER A; Universidade do Algarve; Universidade do Algarve: REVISITING SYNCHRONOUS SPAWNING IN SEAWEEDS � IS IT JUST ABOUT SEX? External fertilization is common in the marine environment. However, in the intertidal zone the prevailing hydrodynamic conditions may reduce the effectiveness of external fertilization as a reproductive strategy by dilution of the […]
Multiple paternity and subsequent fusionrejection interactions in a colonial ascidian
YUND, P.O.*; JOHNSON, S.L.; CONNOLLY, L.E.; Univ. of New England; Univ. of Maine; Univ. of New England: Multiple paternity and subsequent fusion/rejection interactions in a colonial ascidian The production of genetically variable offspring is a central function of sexual reproduction. The genetic composition of offspring subsequently affects many processes that operate on adults. Although much […]
Influence of early life history traits on recruitment success and early survival in a coral reef fish
SPONAUGLE, S.*; GRORUD-COLVERT, K.; RSMAS, Univ. of Miami; RSMAS, Univ. of Miami: Influence of early life history traits on recruitment success and early survival in a coral reef fish For organisms with complex life histories, life history traits of early stages may influence the survival of subsequent stages. We surveyed and collected 13 monthly cohorts […]
Functional properties of algal life cycles
THORNBER, C.S.; Univ. of Rhode Island: Functional properties of algal life cycles Many species of algae have complex, multiphasic life cycles. These species contain multiple independent, free-living stages that they either obligately or selectively cycle between. The inherent complexities of these life cycles provide unique opportunities for investigating the ecological dynamics and tradeoffs between the […]
Functional links and carryover effects across life cycles
PODOLSKY, R.D.*; MORAN, A.L.; College of Charleston, Grice Marine Laboratory; Clemson University: Functional links and carryover effects across life cycles Life cycles are composed of stages that can vary dramatically in size, form, habitat, and functional attributes. Within-life-cycle functional variation is fundamental to ecological and evolutionary processes because the nature and strength of interactions and […]
Functional links among life phases and the consequences for individual performance in decapod crustaceans
GIM�NEZ, L; Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Foundation Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Marine Station : Functional links among life phases and the consequences for individual performance in decapod crustaceans I review the effects of past environmental conditions on traits and performance in decapod crustaceans. I consider two critical points of the life cycle: […]
Functional and ecological limits on size at metamorphosis of marine invertebrates
EMLET, R.B.; Univ. of Oregon, OIMB: Functional and ecological limits on size at metamorphosis of marine invertebrates Just as egg size can influence many aspects of the larval stage, size and condition at metamorphosis have consequences for juvenile growth and survival. Here I examine several factors that may set the lower and upper limits to […]
Availability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) reduces carryover performance consequences for the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina
WENDT, D.E.*; JOHNSON, C.H.; Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; Harvard University: Availability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) reduces carryover performance consequences for the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina For marine invertebrates with complex life-cycles physical stresses during the larval stage can often have dramatic and long-lasting effects on postmetamorphic performance. The cheilostome bryozoan Bugula neritina is […]