Spectral Tuning Between Bioluminescence Emissions And Visual Sensitivities Among Beetles

LALL, Abner B.; CRONIN, Thomas W.; JARVILEHTO, Matti V. A.; CARVALHO, Alexandre A.; DE SOUZA, John M.; STEVANI, Cassius V.; Howard University, Washington, DC; University of Maryland, Catonsville, MD; University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland; Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil; Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil; Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil: […]

Signal jamming in a synchronic North American Firefly Photinus carolinus

MOISEFF, A; TESSIER, V; COPELAND, J; Univ. of Connecticut; Univ. of Connecticut; Georgia Southern Univ.: Signal jamming in a synchronic North American Firefly Photinus carolinus. Fireflies communicate using flashes of light. The timing of the flashes is critical for effective communication to take place. If a female firefly sees flashes from more than one male, […]

Sexually Selected Allometries in Photinus Fireflies

VENCL, F.; State University of New York at Stony Brook and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Sexually Selected Allometries in Photinus Fireflies Ever since Darwin identified it as the force responsible for the evolution of exaggerated male characters, sexual selection has been the focus of research aimed at understanding the most bizarre and intriguing morphologies and […]

Role of Nitric Oxide and Mitochondria in Control of Firefly Flash

APRILLE*, J.R.*; LAGACE, C.J.; LEWIS, S.M.; MICHEL, T.; MODICA-NAPOLITANO, J.S.; TRIMMER B.A. AND ZAYAS, R.M.; Univ. of Richmond, Richmond VA; Tufts Univ. School of Medicine, Boston, MA; Tufts Univ., Medford MA; Harvard Med School, Boston MA ; Merrimack College, North Andover MA; Tufts Univ., Medford MA: Role of Nitric Oxide and Mitochondria in Control of […]

Nuptial gifts and sexual selection in Photinus fireflies

LEWIS, S.; DEMARY, K.; Tufts UniversityN: Nuptial gifts and sexual selection in Photinus fireflies In many fireflies, males deliver sperm in a protein-rich spermatophore that is digested within the female reproductive tract over the course of several days. This male�derived protein is used primarily to provision female oocytes, and these nuptial gifts increase female fecundity. […]

Lessons learned from flying fireflies on a stick

CASE, J.F.; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara: Lessons learned from flying fireflies on a stick Mating localization in many fireflies requires a flying male. To perform sufficiently detailed studies of this behavior a wind tunnel was equipped to record and respond to the luminous and flight orientation behavior of a male or female Photinus pyralis […]

Is the Firefly Flash Controlled By Calcium Channels

CARLSON, ALBERT/D; SUNY STONY BROOK: Is the Firefly Flash Controlled By Calcium Channels? “Voltage-gated Ca(calcium) channels are found in every excitable cell. Indeed, I feel they define excitable cells.” (Hille, B.,) Ion Channels of Excitable Membranes, 3rd Edition, Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, MA, 2001. Is something missing in our study of the control of the […]

Flash signals, nuptial gifts and precopulatory mate choice in Photinus fireflies

CRATSLEY, CK; Fitchburg State College: Flash signals, nuptial gifts and precopulatory mate choice in Photinus fireflies Firefly flash behavior often involves courtship dialogs of male flashes and female flash responses. Males rely on female responses to locate potential mates. During mating males transfer a protein rich spermatophore that the female digests internally and uses to […]

Communication Systems of Japanese Fireflies

OHBA, N.; Yokosuka City Museum: Communication Systems of Japanese Fireflies Japanese fireflies are known to range from nocturnal luminescent species to diurnal non-luminescent species. The communication systems of the fireflies are classified into 6 type as follows: 1) female responds to male�s flashes after a definite delay; 2) flying male is directly attracted by female�s […]

Behavioral ecology of a non-flashing firefly

FORREST, T.G.; University of North Carolina at Asheville: Behavioral ecology of a non-flashing firefly During a two-season study of a Phausis inaccensa population, I tracked the mating history, temporal distribution and spatial distribution of more than 150 females. Phausis inaccensa exhibits the ‘primitive’ condition in firefly communication systems. Flightless larviform females emerge from burrows shortly […]

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