Meeting Abstract S4-8 Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:30 Looking with gills: The function and evolution of fan worm branchial photoreceptors BOK, M.J.*; PORTER, M.L.; NILSSON, D.-E.; Lund University, Sweden; University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA; Lund University, Sweden Fan worms (Sabellida) possess some of the strangest eyes in nature. Their eponymous fans are composed of two […]
sessions: S4
Eyes most numerous extracephalic visual systems in molluscs
Meeting Abstract S4-11 Tuesday, Jan. 5 14:30 Eyes most numerous: extracephalic visual systems in molluscs SPEISER, D.I.; University of South Carolina New genomic and transcriptomic resources for non-model study systems have revealed that light-sensitive cells are distributed more broadly across metazoan taxa and tissue types than suspected previously. Combined with a phylogenetic perspective on the […]
Extraocular, nonvisual, and simple photoreceptors Introduction
Meeting Abstract S4-1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 07:45 Extraocular, nonvisual, and simple photoreceptors: Introduction CRONIN, T.W.; UMBC It has been recognized for decades that animals sense light using photoreceptors besides those that are devoted strictly to vision. However, the nature of these receptors, their molecular components, their physiological responses, and their biological functions were long obscure. […]
Extraocular opsins in skin and nervous systems of aquatic animals
Meeting Abstract S4-6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:30 Extraocular opsins in skin and nervous systems of aquatic animals KINGSTON, ACN*; CRONIN, TW; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County; Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County Extraocular photoreceptors are common throughout animals, and many of these photoreceptors function using opsin proteins expressed in many tissues and cellular structures. Cephalopods, crustaceans, and […]
Beyond the eye extraocular opsin evolution
Meeting Abstract S4-2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:00 Beyond the eye: extraocular opsin evolution PORTER, M.L.; University of Hawai’i at Manoa Opsin proteins are essential molecules in animal photodetection. Together with a vitamin-A derived chromophore, opsins form the photosensitive pigments used in all known animal visual systems. More recently, opsins have been found expressed in a multitude […]
Bacterial regulation of host cryptochrome expression in a squid photophore
Meeting Abstract S4-5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:00 Bacterial regulation of host cryptochrome expression in a squid photophore HEATH-HECKMAN, Elizabeth/A.C.*; PEYER, Suzanne; MCFALL-NGAI, Margaret; University of California, Berkeley; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Hawaii Nonvisual photoreceptors have been studied for their ability to allow organisms to interact with their external environment, but their role in host-symbiont […]
A mouse homolog of Drosophila RDGB functions in ipRGC dim light activation
Meeting Abstract S4-9 Tuesday, Jan. 5 13:30 A mouse homolog of Drosophila RDGB functions in ipRGC dim light activation WALKER, Marquis T.*; RUPP, Alan; WENG, Shijun; BERSON, David M.; HATTAR, Samer; MONTELL, Craig; University of California, Santa Barbara; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Fudan University, China; Brown University; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; University of […]
The seasons of things and the purposes of time seasonal variation in morphology, metabolism, and behaviour in boreal endotherms
Meeting Abstract S4-6 Friday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 11:00 The seasons of things and the purposes of time: seasonal variation in morphology, metabolism, and behaviour in boreal endotherms HUMPHRIES, Murray M*; MENZIES, Allyson K; STUDD, Emily K; McGill University; McGill University; McGill University The pervasiveness of seasonality, including seasonal variation in the targets of time […]
The impact of temperature variation on physiology and distributions of tropical and temperate ectotherms
Meeting Abstract S4-4 Friday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:30 The impact of temperature variation on physiology and distributions of tropical and temperate ectotherms SHELDON, K.S.; University of Tennessee, Knoxville Differences in environmental temperatures can influence organismal physiology and biogeography, with large consequences for ecology, evolution and our understanding of the impacts of climate warming. Based […]
The evolution of mechanisms underlying seasonal timing of avian reproduction
Meeting Abstract S4-10 Friday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:30 The evolution of mechanisms underlying seasonal timing of avian reproduction VISSER, M.E.*; VERHAGEN, I.C.; RAMAKERS, J.; LAINE, V.N.; GIENAPP, P.; Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW); Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) Species […]