Stressimmune interactions A pathological relationship or an adaptive response to adverse conditions

Meeting Abstract S4.2-2  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:00  Stress/immune interactions: A pathological relationship or an adaptive response to adverse conditions? ADAMO, Shelley A; Dalhousie Univ., Halifax Both the stress response and immune response defend animals against organisms that can cause catastrophic declines in fitness. When resources are abundant, having these two systems work synergistically with each other […]

Statistical approaches to uncovering ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of behavioral and physiological differences among individuals

Meeting Abstract S4.3-2  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:00  Statistical approaches to uncovering ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences of behavioral and physiological differences among individuals. DOWNS, C.J.*; DOCHTERMANN, N.A.; University of Nevada Reno; North Dakota State University Considerable work in ecoimmunology focuses on investigating individual variation in immune responses and linking this variation to physiological trade-offs, ecological […]

Mapping infections in phase space

Meeting Abstract S4.3-3  Sunday, Jan. 5 14:30  Mapping infections in phase space SCHNEIDER, DS; Stanford University We would like predict how sick an individual will get when they suffer an infection. We study this problem using disease tolerance curves at a population level and using disease space to track individuals. Our recent work on measuring and […]

Just how much do antibodies cost Nutrition and humoral immunity in wild Soay sheep

Meeting Abstract S4.1-2  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30  Just how much do antibodies cost? Nutrition and humoral immunity in wild Soay sheep GARNIER, R; WATT, KA; CHEUNG, C; PILKINGTON, JG; MCNEILLY, T; PEMBERTON, JM; NUSSEY, DH; GRAHAM, AL*; Princeton University; University of Edinburgh; Princeton University; University of Edinburgh; Moredun Research Institute; University of Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh; Princeton […]

How radio telemetry and radio frequency identification can help link individual immune responses and disease dynamics in wild animals

Meeting Abstract S4.1-1  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:00  How radio telemetry and radio frequency identification can help link individual immune responses and disease dynamics in wild animals ADELMAN, JS; Virginia Tech Revealing how immunological variation influences pathogen transmission is a fundamental and unifying challenge in disease ecology and ecoimmunology. To meet this challenge, researchers must choose their […]

Genomic Approaches to Understand Host Survival under Seasonally-Modulated Pathogen Dynamics

Meeting Abstract S4.2-3  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30  Genomic Approaches to Understand Host Survival under Seasonally-Modulated Pathogen Dynamics LONGO, A. V.*; BURROWES, P. A.; ZAMUDIO, K. R. ; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR; Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Pathogens act as agents of evolutionary change in host populations, altering host allele frequencies […]

Addition of relative metabolism in the “pace of life” hypothesis incorporating ectothermic physiology

Meeting Abstract S4.1-4  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:30  Addition of relative metabolism in the “pace of life” hypothesis: incorporating ectothermic physiology SANDMEIER, F.C.*; TRACY, C.R.; Lindenwood University – Belleville; University of Nevada, Reno Incorporating metabolic rate as an additional axis in a theoretical model of the interspecific relationship between “pace-of-life” and the strength of an adaptive immune […]

When Jaws and Mouth are separate Functional morphology and evolution of the Kalyptorhynch Proboscis

Meeting Abstract S4.4  Monday, Jan. 5 10:30  When Jaws and Mouth are separate: Functional morphology and evolution of the Kalyptorhynch Proboscis SMITH III, Julian P.S.; Winthrop University, Rock Hill SC Flatworms of the Order Kalyptorhynchia are unusual in that the anterior proboscis, used in prey capture, is separate from the mouth opening. In four families […]

The jaw musculature of Micrognathozoa, function and evolution

Meeting Abstract S4.3  Monday, Jan. 5 09:30  The jaw musculature of Micrognathozoa, function and evolution BEKKOUCHE, Nicolas T.*; KRISTENSEN, Reinhardt M.; HEJNOL, Andreas; SØRENSEN, Martin V.; WORSAAE, Katrine; Copenhagen University; Natural History Museum of Denmark; Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology; Natural History Museum of Denmark; Copenhagen University Limnognathia maerski is the sole representative of […]

Solving complexes of cryptic species by using detailed analyses on jaw morphology in asexual rotifers

Meeting Abstract S4.2  Monday, Jan. 5 09:00  Solving complexes of cryptic species by using detailed analyses on jaw morphology in asexual rotifers FONTANETO, D.; National Research Council, Institute of Ecosystem Study, CNR-ISE, Largo Tonolli 50, 28922 Verbania Pallanza ITALY Jaws in rotifers, called trophi, are among the most important hard structure used for taxonomy and […]

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