The first steps toward a Nematostella gene interaction network

Meeting Abstract S4-2.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  The first steps toward a Nematostella gene interaction network FISCHER, Antje H.L.*; COSENTINO, Carlo; SMITH, Joel; MBL; Università degli Studi Magna Graecia Catanzaro; MBL Cnidarians, the sister group to Bilaterians, are particularly interesting for understanding the evolution of fundamental developmental programs, such as axis specification, gastrulation and germ layer specification. […]

The Comparative Biology of Gene Expression

Meeting Abstract S4-2.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  The Comparative Biology of Gene Expression DUNN, CW; Brown University Phylogenetic analyses of gene expression have great potential for addressing a wide range of questions. They will, for example, provide new tools for understanding the relationships between genes and phenotypes by identifying genes that have evolutionary shifts in expression that […]

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