Evolutionary implications for interactions between multiple strains of hosts and parasites

Meeting Abstract S4-2.1  Jan. 5  Evolutionary implications for interactions between multiple strains of hosts and parasites ZHANG, P.; SANDLAND, G.; FENG, Z.*; XU, D.; MINCHELLA, D.; Purdue University zfeng@math.purdue.edu The interaction between multiple parasite strains within different host types may influence the evolutionary trajectories of parasites. We formulate a deterministic model with two strains of parasites and […]

Elevated CO2 effects of plant stoichiometry and hidden hunger disorder

Meeting Abstract S4-2.3  Jan. 5  Elevated CO2 effects of plant stoichiometry and “hidden hunger” disorder LOLADZE, I.*; ZEA, E.; CASSMAN, K.; MCFADDEN, C.; University of Nebraska – Lincoln iloladze@math.unl.edu One of the most certain aspects of global change is the increase in the concentrations of atmospheric CO2 – the major nutrient for plants. Field experiments showed that […]

Comprehensive modelling of the immune response of cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in the influenza infection

Meeting Abstract S4-2.2  Jan. 5  Comprehensive modelling of the immune response of cytotoxic T Lymphocytes in the influenza infection TRIDANE, A*; HADELER, K; KUANG, Y; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University tridane@math.asu.edu The aim of this work is to investigate the mechanisms involved in the clearance of viral infection of the influenza virus at […]

Still Creationism After All These Years Recognizing and Counteracting Intelligent Design

Meeting Abstract S4-2.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Still Creationism After All These Years: Recognizing and Counteracting Intelligent Design FORREST, Barbara; Southeastern Louisiana University bforrest@selu.edu Beginning with Judge John E. Jones III�s ruling in Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District (2005) that intelligent design is creationism and thus cannot be taught in public school science classes, creationists […]

How to get coverage of major evolutionary adaptive changes into textbooks and curricula

Meeting Abstract S4-2.1  Friday, Jan. 4  How to get coverage of major evolutionary adaptive changes into textbooks and curricula PADIAN, K; University of California, Berkeley kpadian@berkeley.edu An important lesson from the 2005 Dover �Intelligent Design� trial is that anti-evolutionists can easily distort and misrepresent the evidence and methods of comparative biology to the public, because public understanding […]

Creation Science is Alive and Well

Meeting Abstract S4-2.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Creation Science is Alive and Well SCOTT, Eugenie C; National Center for Science Education scott@ncseweb.org Over the last five or 10 years, the scientific community has been concentrating on the Intelligent Design movement, a form of creationism that has garnered a great deal of publicity. Yet the traditional Young Earth Creationists […]

What Controls Connectivity A Place-based, Multi-species Approach

Meeting Abstract S4-2.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  What Controls Connectivity? A Place-based, Multi-species Approach LEVIN, Lisa A.*; BECKER, Bonnie J.; CARSON, Hank S.; COOK, Geoff S.; DIBACCO, Claudio; FODRIE, F. Joel; LOPE-DUARTE, Paola C.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Univ. of Washington, Tacoma; Univ. of Hawaii, Hilo; McGill University; Bedford Inst. of Oceanography; UNC Chapel Hill; Rutgers Univ. llevin@ucsd.edu […]

Selection, dispersal and the geography of phenotype in the sea

Meeting Abstract S4-2.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  Selection, dispersal and the geography of phenotype in the sea SOTKA, E.E.; College of Charleston sotkae@cofc.edu Population-level differences in phenotypic traits (a.k.a., the geography of phenotype) have been the research focus of evolutionary ecologists since and including the studies of Charles Darwin. One of the great challenges that remains is to […]


Meeting Abstract S4-2.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  Discussion

Bridging ecological and evolutionary timescales with spatially-explicit network analysis of marine population connectivity

Meeting Abstract S4-2.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  Bridging ecological and evolutionary timescales with spatially-explicit network analysis of marine population connectivity TREML, EA; University of Queensland, Qld, Australia e.treml@uq.edu.au Marine population connectivity describes the likelihood that an individual of a population can disperse some distance from its natal habitat patch to settle in available downstream habitat. This connectivity is […]

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