The meaning of terms growth rate and adult size in determinate and indeterminate growers

KOZLOWSKI, Jan; Jagiellonian University, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Krakow, Poland: The meaning of terms �growth rate� and �adult size� in determinate and indeterminate growers Basically all organisms can be classified as determinate growers if their growth stops or almost stops at maturation or indeterminate growers if growth is still intense after maturation. Adult size for […]

The Central Role of Metabolism from Genes to Ecosystems

GILLOOLY, JF; BROWN, JH; ALLEN, AP; WEST, GB; CHARNOV, EL; SAVAGE, VM; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico; Los Alamos National Labs; University of New Mexico; Los Alamos National Labs; ; : The Central Role of Metabolism from Genes to Ecosystems Metabolism provides a basis for using first principles […]

Temperature, growth rate, and body size in ectotherms fitting pieces of a life history puzzle

ANGILLETTA, M.J.*; SEARS, M.W.; STEURY, T.D.; Indiana State University, Terre Haute ; Indiana State University, Terre Haute ; Indiana State University, Terre Haute : Temperature, growth rate, and body size in ectotherms: fitting pieces of a life history puzzle In the majority of ectothermic species studied to date, individuals in warmer environments grow faster but […]

Selection and variation in size and growth in fluctuating thermal environments

KINGSOLVER, JG*; IZEM, R; RAGLAND, G; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill; UNC-Chapel Hill: Selection and variation in size and growth in fluctuating thermal environments Most organisms experience a range of temperature conditions during their growth and development. How do fluctuating temperature conditions affect patterns of genetic variation and natural selection on growth rate and size? We […]

Optimal body size and growth strategies in temperate butterflies

GOTTHARD, K; Stockholm University: Optimal body size and growth strategies in temperate butterflies Adaptive variation in rates of juvenile development and growth is often present both within and between populations, indicating that natural selection tends to optimize these rates rather than maximize them. Larval growth strategies of butterflies in the tribe Pararginii (Satyrinae: Nymphalidae) seems […]

Countergradient variation and the evolution of growth rate lessons from silverside fishes

CONOVER, D.O.; Stony Brook University: Countergradient variation and the evolution of growth rate: lessons from silverside fishes Recent findings are fundamentally changing our view of the evolution of juvenile growth rate, related physiological traits, and their thermal reaction norms. Countergradient variation in growth appears to be a widespread means of adapting to climate change. An […]

The Divergent Roles of the Segmentation Gene hunchback in Annelids and Arthropods

SAVAGE, R.M.; Williams College: The Divergent Roles of the Segmentation Gene hunchback in Annelids and Arthropods My lab investigates the mechanisms responsible for the specification of the anteroposterior (AP) axis in annelids. With this objective in mind, we are characterizing orthologs to the Drosophila gap gene hunchback (hb) in each annelid class. The hb gene […]

Evolutionary questions prompted by the diversity of form and function of annelid larvae

PERNET, B.; California State University, Long Beach: Evolutionary questions prompted by the diversity of form and function of annelid larvae Some annelid larvae cannot feed, while others must feed while in the plankton. Among feeding annelid larvae, particle capture mechanisms are very diverse. I address several questions about how this variation in larval form and […]

Evolution of annelid regeneration and asexual reproduction

BELY, A. E.; SIKES, J. M.; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Univ. of Maryland, College Park: Evolution of annelid regeneration and asexual reproduction The phylogenetic distribution of regeneration potential across animals suggests that the ancestral animal had extensive regeneration abilities and that loss of regeneration has been a major evolutionary trend in many animal lineages. […]

Development of the segmented polychaete body plan

SEAVER, Elaine C; University of Hawaii: Development of the segmented polychaete body plan The evolution of a segmented body plan in the Bilateria has been a much debated topic. Current efforts to resolve this issue focus on comparisons of molecular components of developmental pathways involved in segment formation from disparate taxa such as flies, mice […]

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