Hormones, sex roles, and performance

Meeting Abstract S3.10  Sunday, Jan. 4  Hormones, sex roles, and performance GOYMANN, Wolfgang; Max-Planck-Institut fuer Ornithologie goymann@orn.mpg.de Testosterone is a key hormone related to reproductive aggression in male birds and some experimental evidence suggests that additional testosterone may increase performance of reproduction-related traits in free-living male song sparrows, white-crowned sparrows and dark-eyed juncos, i.e. testosterone-treated birds enlarged […]

Hormones as mediators of animal performance

Meeting Abstract S3.1  Sunday, Jan. 4  Hormones as mediators of animal performance HUSAK, J. F.*; IRSCHICK, D. J.; Virginia Tech; U Mass at Amherst husak@vt.edu While recent studies have begun to address how hormones mediate whole-animal performance traits, the field conspicuously lags behind research conducted on humans. We define whole-animal performance to place it into an ecologically […]

Hormones and life history evolution

Meeting Abstract S3.2  Sunday, Jan. 4  Hormones and life history evolution HAU, M; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany mhau@orn.mpg.de Steroid hormones have pleiotropic effects on behavior, physiology and morphology. They also regulate major transitions between phases of the annual cycle in animals. These actions make steroid hormones ideal candidates for mediating life history trade-offs, such as […]

Hormones and Performance Insights from Natural History and Endocrine Manipulations

Meeting Abstract S3.5  Sunday, Jan. 4  Hormones and Performance: Insights from Natural History and Endocrine Manipulations JOHN-ALDER, H.B.*; COX, R.M.; HAENEL, G.J.; SMITH, L.C.; Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, NJ; Dartmouth Col., Hanover, NH; Elon Univ., Elon, NC; Richard Stockton Col., Pomona, NJ henry@aesop.rutgers.edu Whole-animal performance, defined as the ability to accomplish ecologically relevant tasks, represents the integration […]

Hormonal regulation of vocalization in anuran amphibians insights from toads with alternative mating tactics

Meeting Abstract S3.9  Sunday, Jan. 4  Hormonal regulation of vocalization in anuran amphibians: insights from toads with alternative mating tactics LEARY, C.J.; University of Utah leary@biology.utah.edu Despite the long history of anuran amphibians as models in physiology and acoustic communication, relatively little is known about the relationships between circulating hormone levels and vocal performance. In this presentation, […]

The peril of the plankton

Meeting Abstract S3.6  Monday, Jan. 4  The peril of the plankton VAUGHN, D.*; ALLEN, J.D.; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories; College of William and Mary dvaughn@u.washington.edu The pelagic environment is characterized by unevenly distributed resources and risks. Such unpredictability presents adaptive challenges to diverse planktonic organisms including the larvae of benthic invertebrates. Estimates of mortality during […]

Swimming embryos point to planktonic performance standards for early-developmental motility

Meeting Abstract S3.5  Monday, Jan. 4  Swimming embryos point to planktonic performance standards for early-developmental motility MCDONALD, K. A.*; GRUNBAUM, D.; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; University of Washington, School of Oceanography mcdonaldk2@si.edu Cilia perform critical swimming, feeding, and sensory functions in planktonic invertebrate larvae. Development and phylogeny constrain larval form, but evidence for the independent evolution of […]

Learning, developmental plasticity and the evolution of morphological asymmetry

Meeting Abstract S3.4  Monday, Jan. 4  Learning, developmental plasticity and the evolution of morphological asymmetry PALMER, A. Richard; University of Alberta rich.palmer@ualberta.ca Evolution by natural selection requires three steps. New variants of organisms: must arise, must have an impact on fitness (survival or fecundity), and must (ultimately) be heritable. The first step – how new variants arise […]

It’s about time divergence, demography, and the evolution of developmental modes in marine invertebrates

Meeting Abstract S3.10  Monday, Jan. 4  It\’s about time: divergence, demography, and the evolution of developmental modes in marine invertebrates HART, M.W.**; MARKO, P.B.; Simon Fraser Univ.; Clemson Univ. mwhart@sfu.ca Differences in larval developmental mode are predicted to affect ecological and evolutionary processes ranging from gene flow and population bottlenecks to rates of population recovery from anthropogenic […]

Hydrodynamics of larval settlement from a larva’s point of view

Meeting Abstract S3.7  Monday, Jan. 4  Hydrodynamics of larval settlement from a larva’s point of view KOEHL, M.*; HADFIELD, M.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Hawaii cnidaria@berkeley.edu Many benthic marine animals release larvae that are dispersed by ocean currents. These larvae swim and respond behaviorally to environmental factors such as light, shear, or chemical cues. However, […]

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