Meeting Abstract S3-8 Thursday, Jan. 4 13:30 – 14:00 Transcriptomic and epigenetic insights into the evolution of vision loss in cave-dweling crustaceans PÉREZ-MORENO, JL*; BALÁZS, G; BRACKEN-GRISSOM, HD; Florida International University – Biscayne Bay Campus, North Miami, FL; Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary; Florida International University – Biscayne Bay Campus, North Miami, FL The molecular mechanisms […]
sessions: S3
The visual system of caecilian amphibians
Meeting Abstract S3-3 Thursday, Jan. 4 09:00 – 09:30 The visual system of caecilian amphibians WILKINSON, Mark*; GARBOUT, Amin; MOHUN, Samantha M; The Natural History Museum, London; The Natural History Museum, London; The Natural History Museum, London Caecilians are an ancient radiation of mainly fossorial amphibians with reduced visual systems (their name being a reference […]
Repeated Eye Reduction Events Reveal Multiple Pathways to Loss in Deep-Sea Snails
Meeting Abstract S3-10 Thursday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 15:00 Repeated Eye Reduction Events Reveal Multiple Pathways to Loss in Deep-Sea Snails SUMNER-ROONEY, LH*; SIGWART, JD; SMITH, L; MCAFEE, J; WILLIAMS, ST; Oxford University Museum of Natural History; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Queen’s University Belfast; Natural History Museum, London; Queen’s University Belfast; Natural History Museum, London Eye […]
Regressed but not gone Patterns of vision gene loss in blind mammals
Meeting Abstract S3-4 Thursday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 10:00 Regressed but not gone: Patterns of vision gene loss in blind mammals EMERLING, CA; CNRS – Université de Montpellier Regressive evolution involves the degradation of formerly useful traits as organisms invade novel ecological niches. Committing to a strict subterranean habit can lead to regression of the […]
Molecular Mechanism of Eye Loss in the Cavefish
Meeting Abstract S3-5 Thursday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 11:00 Molecular Mechanism of Eye Loss in the Cavefish MA, Li; CASTRANOVA, Daniel; WEINSTEIN, Brant M.; GORE, Aniket; JEFFERY, William R.*; University of Maryland, College Park; NICHD, NIH; NICHD, NIH; NICHD, NIH; University of Maryland, College Park The absence of eyes is a hallmark of cave adapted animals. […]
Massive parallel regression genetic mechanisms for eye loss amongst subterranean diving beetles
Meeting Abstract S3-7 Thursday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 12:00 Massive parallel regression: genetic mechanisms for eye loss amongst subterranean diving beetles TIERNEY, SM*; LANGILLE, B; HUMPHREYS, WF; AUSTIN, AD; COOPER, SJB; Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University; University of Adelaide; Western Australian Museum; University of Adelaide; South Australian Museum Two tribes of subterranean […]
Gene regulation, heterochrony, and predation An ecoevodevo perspective on eye loss in an ostracod crustacean
Meeting Abstract S3-9 Thursday, Jan. 4 14:00 – 14:30 Gene regulation, heterochrony, and predation: An eco/evo/devo perspective on eye loss in an ostracod crustacean. RIVERA, AS*; ARENZ, AL; KOYAMA, KH; SAJUTHI, A; TSANG, S; CARRILLO-ZAZUETA, B; KIM, A; SASAKI, L; LIM, B; University of the Pacific The loss of a complex adaptive trait is typically associated […]
Eye reduction and loss – patterns across species and habitats
Meeting Abstract S3-1 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:30 Eye reduction and loss – patterns across species and habitats PORTER, ML; University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Eyes are reduced or lost across many species, representing most of the major animal lineages that have eyes capable of spatial resolution. Eye reduction and loss are generally associated with […]
Evolution of eye reduction and loss in fossil arthropods
Meeting Abstract S3-11 Thursday, Jan. 4 15:00 – 15:30 Evolution of eye reduction and loss in fossil arthropods SCHOENEMANN, B.; University of Cologne The fossil record of arthropod compound eyes shows different modes and processes of eye reduction, sometimes leading to the loss of the eyes altogether. The first reason for having small, reduced eyes […]
Development and genetics of eye loss in the crustacean, Asellus aquaticus
Meeting Abstract S3-6 Thursday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:30 Development and genetics of eye loss in the crustacean, Asellus aquaticus MOJADDIDI, H; RE, C; PEREZ, J; TACDOL, A; FISER, Z; TRONTELJ, P; PROTAS, M*; Dominican University of California; Dominican University of California; Dominican University of California; Dominican University of California; University of Ljubljana; University of Ljubljana; Dominican […]