Meeting Abstract S3-7 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 12:00 You Make Me Sick: Energetic Signals Regulating Seasonal Sickness Responses DEMAS, G.E.*; CARLTON, E.D.; Indiana University To ensure survival and reproductive success, animals must optimally allocate energy among a wide range of costly physiological and behavioral processes while inhabiting environments that change predictably across and unpredictably within […]
sessions: S3
Tradeoffs governing the physiological ecology of hibernation in endangered bats
Meeting Abstract S3-8 Thursday, Jan. 5 13:30 – 14:00 Tradeoffs governing the physiological ecology of hibernation in endangered bats WILLIS, C.K.R.*; CZENZE, Z.C.; DAVY, C.M.; FLETCHER, Q.E.; MAYBERRY, H.W.; MCGUIRE, L.P.; MUISE, K.; NORQUAY, K.J.O.; WEBBER, Q.M.R.; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of Winnipeg; Univ. of […]
The search for mechanisms underlying evolutionary trade-offs in response to different selection pressures in the least killifish
Meeting Abstract S3-11 Thursday, Jan. 5 15:00 – 15:30 The search for mechanisms underlying evolutionary trade-offs in response to different selection pressures in the least killifish CRESPI, E. J.*; TRAVIS, J. A.; Washington State University; Florida State University Evolutionary theory predicts that natural selection acts to maximize fitness by optimizing a life history that includes […]
The Role of GnIH in the Tradeoff Between Reproductive and Ingestive Behavior
Meeting Abstract S3-9 Thursday, Jan. 5 14:00 – 14:30 The Role of GnIH in the Tradeoff Between Reproductive and Ingestive Behavior SCHNEIDER, Jill E.*; BENTON, Noah; RUSSO, Kim; BROZEK, Jeremy; KRIEGSFELD, Lance; Lehigh University; University of California, Berkeley Adaptation requires successful reproduction, but reproductive processes are energetically expensive and can compromise the chances of survival during […]
The Effects of Food Availabilty on the Maternal and Sociosexual Behaviors of Meadow Voles
Meeting Abstract S3-10 Thursday, Jan. 5 14:30 – 15:00 The Effects of Food Availabilty on the Maternal and Sociosexual Behaviors of Meadow Voles FERKIN, M.H.; University of Memphis Many female small mammals, such as meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus , may face limited food availability during behavioral estrus, pregnancy, postpartum estrus and lactation. The amount of […]
Neuroendocrine control of the seasonal switch from reproduction to foraging in garter snakes
Meeting Abstract S3-4 Thursday, Jan. 5 09:30 – 10:00 Neuroendocrine control of the seasonal switch from reproduction to foraging in garter snakes LUTTERSCHMIDT, D.I.; Portland State University, OR Many vertebrates exhibit distinct life-history stages that are associated with specific physiological and behavioral functions, such as reproduction, migration, and foraging. In seasonal organisms, resource availability relegates these […]
Neural versus gonadal GnIH Are they independent systems
Meeting Abstract S3-6 Thursday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:30 Neural versus gonadal GnIH: Are they independent systems? BENTLEY, GE; UC Berkeley Gonadotropin−inhibitory hormone (GnIH) acts to inhibit reproduction at all levels of the hypothalamo−pituitary−gonad (HPG) axis. For example, GnRH neurons express GnIH receptor and decrease firing in response to GnIH application. The anterior pituitary gland of […]
Neural circuitry that mediates behavior governing the tradeoffs between survival and reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans
Meeting Abstract S3-1 Thursday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:30 Neural circuitry that mediates behavior governing the tradeoffs between survival and reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans EMMONS, S.W.; Albert Einstein College of Medicine Though C. elegans is a tiny, 1mm, nematode with fewer than 400 neurons in its nervous system, it nevertheless faces the same challenges of […]
How do maternal programming strategies differ in the Syrian hamster, a seasonal breeder
Meeting Abstract S3-3 Thursday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:30 How do maternal programming strategies differ in the Syrian hamster, a seasonal breeder? BROZEK, J TBA
Food Supply and the Timing of Reproduction
Meeting Abstract S3-5 Thursday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 11:00 Food Supply and the Timing of Reproduction DEVICHE, P.J.*; BITTNER, S.; GAO, S.; VALLE, S.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University The timing of reproduction generally is a critical component of fitness and is related to trophic resources. Ultimately, reproduction is […]