The distribution and abundance parasites in aquatic ecosystems in a changing climate more than just temperature

Meeting Abstract S3-7  Monday, Jan. 4 11:30  The distribution and abundance parasites in aquatic ecosystems in a changing climate: more than just temperature MARCOGLIESE, D. J.; Environment Canada, Montreal Most research into effects of climate change on parasitic organisms concerns pathogens of man or commercially important species. Most of these parasites are terrestrially-based in whole or […]

The Role of Infectious Processes in Ecosystems as Climate Changes

Meeting Abstract S3-6  Monday, Jan. 4 11:00  The Role of Infectious Processes in Ecosystems as Climate Changes KURIS, Armand M.; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Infectious agents, when included in food webs, reveal that it is a much more connected and interactive world than when infectious diseases are ignored. More limited research on energetics indicates […]

Projected dispersal and range expansion of a potentially invasive polychaete in South Africa

Meeting Abstract S3-3  Monday, Jan. 4 09:00  Projected dispersal and range expansion of a potentially invasive polychaete in South Africa DAVID, Andrew A*; MATTHEE, Conrad A; LOVEDAY, Benjamin R; SIMON, Carol A ; Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa; Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, United Kingdom ; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa A major […]

Parasites and Hosts in Motion Two Case Studies from California

Meeting Abstract S3-5  Monday, Jan. 4 10:30  Parasites and Hosts in Motion: Two Case Studies from California HOPPER, JV; Univ. of California, Berkeley In an era of global warming, ecological communities are increasingly influenced by species invasions and shifting species ranges. To predict and mitigate potential negative impacts, it is important to understand how interactions […]

Global biodiversity and biogeography of parasites

Meeting Abstract S3-2  Monday, Jan. 4 08:30  Global biodiversity and biogeography of parasites COSTELLO, MJ; University of Auckland Most species on Earth harbour several parasite species. If half of all marine species had one host-specific parasite we would expect over 100,000 described species of parasites. However, at present < 10% of described marine species are […]

Environmental influences on disease processes in crabs and lobsters

Meeting Abstract S3-10  Monday, Jan. 4 14:30  Environmental influences on disease processes in crabs and lobsters SHIELDS, J.D.; SHIELDS, Jeffrey; VIMS, College of William & Mary Over the last two decades disease outbreaks have been increasingly reported from several commercially important crustacean fisheries. Environmental stressors, including increasing temperatures, extensive hypoxia due to eutrophication, and presumptive exposures […]

Effects of changing temperatures on the host-parasite interactions of an ecologically important aquatic parasite

Meeting Abstract S3-11  Monday, Jan. 4 15:00  Effects of changing temperatures on the host-parasite interactions of an ecologically important aquatic parasite BARBER, Iain*; MACNAB, Vicki; ISMAIL, Zalina; University of Leicester, UK; University of Leicester, UK; University of Leicester, UK Global environmental change can influence the interactions between hosts and parasites, with consequences for parasite development, […]

Covert infections, host tolerance and environmental change

Meeting Abstract S3-9  Monday, Jan. 4 14:00  Covert infections, host tolerance and environmental change OKAMURA, Beth; Natural History Museum, London, UK Many parasite life histories incorporate a cryptic stage when parasites persist as covert (asymptomatic) infections when parasites are hidden in immunologically privileged sites or otherwise tolerated (e.g. latent periods of malaria and tuberculosis). Horizontal […]

Climate or hosts Factors determining flea species composition at a local versus a regional scale in the Palearctic

Meeting Abstract S3-4  Monday, Jan. 4 09:30  Climate or hosts? Factors determining flea species composition at a local versus a regional scale in the Palearctic KRASNOV, B.R.*; KHOKHLOVA, I.S.; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev The environment may act as a “filter”, allowing a community to contain only species possessing traits […]

Climate change and the future of vector-borne disease transmission

Meeting Abstract S3-8  Monday, Jan. 4 13:30  Climate change and the future of vector-borne disease transmission MORDECAI, E.A.*; WEIKEL, D.P.; GUDAPATI, P.; JOHNSON, L.R.; STEWART-IBARRA, A.; RYAN, S.J.; Stanford University; University of Michigan; Stanford University; University of South Florida; SUNY Upstate Medical University; University of Florida The geographic distribution of vector-borne diseases is shaped by […]

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