Meeting Abstract S3.9 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Speciation in red algae: current challenges MAGGS, Christine A*; MINEUR , Frederic; Queen’s University Belfast; Queen’s University Belfast Despite recent tantalizing glimpses of speciation processes in red algae we still have little understanding of how red algal populations have diverged following vicariant events. Molecular clocks are still poorly developed and […]
sessions: S3
Speciation in marine microeukaryotes
Meeting Abstract S3.10 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Speciation in marine microeukaryotes RUNDELL, R.J.*; LEANDER, B.S.; University of British Columbia Marine microeukaryotes include unicellular “protists” and microscopic metazoans from a vast array of environments: from the pelagic zone, to the inner body spaces of invertebrates, to the interstices of marine sand in the nearshore and deep sea. The […]
Range expansion and speciation in the dynamics of the marine latitudinal diversity gradient
Meeting Abstract S3.8 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Range expansion and speciation in the dynamics of the marine latitudinal diversity gradient JABLONSKI, D.*; BERKE, S.K.; KRUG, A.Z.; TOMASOVYCH, A.; ROY, K.; VALENTINE, J.W.; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Chicago; Univ of California, San Diego; Univ of California, Berkeley The most dramatic shallow-water […]
Pairing dynamics and the origin of species
Meeting Abstract S3.7 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Pairing dynamics and the origin of species PUEBLA, Oscar*; GUICHARD, Frédéric; BERMINGHAM, Eldredge; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute ; McGill University; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute All species are the end-product of speciation, the evolution of reproductive isolation between previously interbreeding populations. In the presence of gene flow between diverging populations (in […]
Next-generation sequencing and population genomics an outlook for the future of speciation studies
Meeting Abstract S3.11 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Next-generation sequencing and population genomics: an outlook for the future of speciation studies ROCHA, Luiz A; Univ. of Texas at Austin The genic view of speciation (GVS) states that speciation is driven by processes at the gene (not the individual) level, that genomes are not cohesive, but porous, and that […]
Diversification of sympatric broadcast-spawning limpets (Cellana spp) within the Hawaiian archipelago
Meeting Abstract S3.5 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Diversification of sympatric broadcast-spawning limpets (Cellana spp.) within the Hawaiian archipelago BIRD, C E*; HOLLAND, B S; BOWEN, B W; TOONEN, R J; University of Hawai’i at Manoa Speciation remains a central enigma in biology, and nowhere is this more apparent than in shallow tropical seas where biodiversity rivals or […]
Assortative fertilization across hybrid genotypes promotes reproductive isolation in a bimodal hybrid zone between Mytilus blue mussels
Meeting Abstract S3.6 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Assortative fertilization across hybrid genotypes promotes reproductive isolation in a bimodal hybrid zone between Mytilus blue mussels MCCARTNEY, MA*; SCHMIDT, VS; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; MBL, Woods Hole Support for the view that hybrid zones demonstrate speciation in progress (rather than its failure to complete) comes from comparative studies […]
Using live imaging to probe the cellular basis of annelid regeneration
Meeting Abstract S3.3-1 Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30 Using live imaging to probe the cellular basis of annelid regeneration BELY, A. E.*; ZATTARA, E. E.; LI, A.; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park Regeneration, the ability to replace lost body parts, is widespread among animals yet its cellular […]
Using C elegans and other organisms to understand conserved mechanisms of morphogenesis
Meeting Abstract S3.2-1 Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30 Using C. elegans and other organisms to understand conserved mechanisms of morphogenesis GOLDSTEIN, Bob; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Apical constriction changes cell shapes, driving fundamental morphogenetic events, including gastrulation in diverse organisms and neural tube closure in vertebrates. Apical constriction is thought to be triggered by contraction […]
Shaping the embryo Cellular dynamics in development
Meeting Abstract S3.1-3 Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00 Shaping the embryo: Cellular dynamics in development ZALLEN, J.; HHMI and Sloan-Kettering Institute A major challenge in biology is to understand how large-scale changes in tissue structure are generated on a cellular and molecular level. In the fruit fly Drosophila, the characteristic elongated shape of the head-to-tail axis is […]