The lichen symbiosis – antioxidants confer desiccation tolerance

KRANNER, Ilse; Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Seed Conservation Department, Wakehurst Place: The lichen symbiosis – antioxidants confer desiccation tolerance Historically, and still today, the lichen symbiosis is often regarded as controlled parasitism to the benefit of the fungus. However, lichens have evolved a structure that neither fungus or alga can form by itself. This allows […]

Stabilization of Dry Mammalian Cells Lessons from Nature

CROWE, John H.; CROWE, Lois M.; TABLIN, Fern; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis: Stabilization of Dry Mammalian Cells: Lessons from Nature Trehalose is a sugar found at high concentrations in a wide variety of organisms that survive dehydration in nature. Over the past three decades we have shown […]

Molecular anhydrobiology identifying molecules implicated in invertebrate anhydrobiosis

GOYAL, K.; BROWNE, J.A.; WALTON, L.J.; PINELLI, C.; RASTOGI, R.K.; BURNELL, A.M.; TUNNACLIFFE, A.*; University of Cambridge, UK; NUI Maynooth, Ireland; University of Cambridge, UK; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; University of Naples Federico II, Italy; NUI Maynooth, Ireland; University of Cambridge, UK; : Molecular anhydrobiology: identifying molecules implicated in invertebrate anhydrobiosis Studies in […]

Evolution of desiccation tolerance in vegetative tissues of angiosperms

FARRANT, JM; SEOIGHE, C; ILLING, N; University of Cape Town: Evolution of desiccation tolerance in vegetative tissues of angiosperms Evolution of desiccation tolerant (DT) pollen and seeds was an adaptation enabling successful land invasion by spermatophytes. Subsequently, DT in vegetative tissue of angiosperms (resurrection plants) is believed to have evolved independently on several occasions. We […]

Anhydrobiosis in an African chironomid

OKUDA, Takashi; National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences: Anhydrobiosis in an African chironomid Life and death are mutually exclusive states. But some organisms showing no sign of living due to complete desiccation are nevertheless able to resume active life after rehydration. Organisms in this peculiar biological state are highly resistant to dehydration in a condition referred […]

Adaptations Underlying Desiccation Tolerance in the Animal Extremophile, Artemia

CLEGG, J.S.; University of California, Davis: Adaptations Underlying Desiccation Tolerance in the Animal Extremophile, Artemia Encysted embryos of the primitive crustacean, Artemia, can be considered as extremophiles of the animal kingdom based on their ability to exist and thrive in the face of a wide variety of severe stresses. Those abilities, essential to the survival […]

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