Optimal strategies for insects migrating in the flight boundary layer mechanisms and consequences

Meeting Abstract S3-2.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Optimal strategies for insects migrating in the flight boundary layer: mechanisms and consequences SRYGLEY, R.B.**; DUDLEY, R.; USDA-Agricultural Research Service; University of California, Berkeley robert.srygley@ars.usda.gov Directed aerial displacement requires that an organism�s airspeed exceeds ambient wind speed. For biologically relevant altitudes, wind speed increases exponentially with increased height above the ground. […]

Noctuid Migration in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer

Meeting Abstract S3-2.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Noctuid Migration in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer WESTBROOK, J. K.; U.S. Department of Agriculture, College Station, TX j-westbrook@tamu.edu Long-distance migration of adult corn earworm or cotton bollworm moths (Helicoverpa zea), and several other noctuid moth species, facilitates seasonal expansion of pest populations and consequent increased infestations of agricultural crops on a […]

High altitude feeding by Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis Molossidae, Chiroptera) on migratory populations of insects

Meeting Abstract S3-2.4  Friday, Jan. 4  High altitude feeding by Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis: Molossidae, Chiroptera) on migratory populations of insects MCCRACKEN, Gary/F*; WESTBROOK, John/K; LEE, Ya-Fu; GILLAM, Erin/H; JENSEN, Michael/L; BALSLEY, Ben/B; Univ. of Tennessee; USDA-ARS; Univ. of Tennessee; Univ. of Tennessee; Univ. of Colorado; Univ. of Colorado gmccrack@utk.edu Because the ultrasonic frequencies that bats […]

Two reproductive strategies and their implications for population dynamics An individual-based model of the poecilogonous spionid Boccardia proboscidea

Meeting Abstract S3-2.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Two reproductive strategies and their implications for population dynamics: An individual-based model of the poecilogonous spionid Boccardia proboscidea OYARZUN, FX*; GRüNBAUM, D; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington, Seattle fernanda.oyarzun@gmail.com Poecilogony is the ability of some marine invertebrate species to alternate between multiple developmental modes. The spionid polychaete Boccardia proboscidea […]

The consequences of a poecilogonous life history for dispersal ability, genetic structure and gene flow in coastal populations of the polychaete Streblospio benedicti

Meeting Abstract S3-2.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  The consequences of a poecilogonous life history for dispersal ability, genetic structure and gene flow in coastal populations of the polychaete Streblospio benedicti ZAKAS, Christina*; WARES, John P; University of Georgia; University of Georgia christinazakas@gmail.com In many species, alternative developmental pathways lead to the production of two distinct phenotypes, promoting the […]


Meeting Abstract S3-2.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Discussion

Developmental mode polymorphism and population connectivity in the polychaete Pygospio elegans

Meeting Abstract S3-2.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Developmental mode polymorphism and population connectivity in the polychaete Pygospio elegans KESäNIEMI, J.E.*; KNOTT, K.E.; University of Jyväskylä, Finland; University of Jyväskylä, Finland jenni.kesaniemi@jyu.fi The tube building polychaete Pygospio elegans is poecilogonous, producing both dispersive planktotrophic larvae and brooded lecithotrophic larvae released as benthic juveniles. Because these larvae have differing dispersal […]

How is a morphology that is under strong selection for swimming performance “repurposed” for terrestrial locomotion

Meeting Abstract S3-2.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  How is a morphology that is under strong selection for swimming performance “repurposed” for terrestrial locomotion? GIBB, A.C.*; ASHLEY-ROSS, M.A.; HSIEH, S.T.; Northern Arizona University; Wake Forest University; Temple University alice.gibb@nau.edu Non-amphibious teleost fish spend the vast majority of their lives in the water. Yet, individuals may become stranded during efforts […]

Gait transitions between swimming and walking in salamander lessons from numerical modeling and robotics

Meeting Abstract S3-2.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Gait transitions between swimming and walking in salamander: lessons from numerical modeling and robotics KNUESEL, Jeremie*; KARAKASILIOTIS, Konstantinos; CRESPI, Alessandro; RYCZKO, Dimitri; CABELGUEN, Jean-Marie; IJSPEERT, Auke Jan; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; Groupe de Recherche sur le Système […]

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