Translating a Neural Signal into a Mechanical Output

AHN, Anna N; Harvey Mudd College: Translating a Neural Signal into a Mechanical Output The mechanical behavior of muscle during locomotion is often predicted from its anatomy, stimulation pattern, basic contractile properties, and joint kinematics. Cockroaches and frogs provide model systems to examine these assumptions. In the cockroach leg, two muscles operating at the same […]

Principles of Neuromechanics Integration of Experiments, Mathematical and Physical Models

FULL, R.J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley: Principles of Neuromechanics: Integration of Experiments, Mathematical and Physical Models Locomotion results from high-dimensional, dynamically coupled interactions between an organism and its environment. Fortunately, simple models we call templates can resolve the redundancy of multiple legs, joints and muscles. A template is the simplest dynamical system model that exhibits […]

Neuromuscular dynamics passive versus active control of locomotion and stability

BIEWENER, Andrew A.; Harvard University: Neuromuscular dynamics: passive versus active control of locomotion and stability. Neuromuscular control of movement depends on matching neural commands to the time-varying requirements of muscle force generation and length change of multiple muscle groups within an animal�s limbs and body. In addition to motor unit characteristics, muscle-tendon architecture is likely […]

Neuromechanics of elastic energy storage and recovery during ballistic movements

NISHIKAWA, KC*; LAPPIN, AK; MONROY, JA; PILARSKI, JQ; PIEROTTI, DJ; Northern Arizona University: Neuromechanics of elastic energy storage and recovery during ballistic movements The goal of our research is to understand the biomechanics and neural control of ballistic movements, using tongue projection in frogs as a model system. Ballistic tongue projection is an extremely rapid, […]

Neuromechanics of Biorobots

QUINN, R.D.*; RITZMANN, R.E.; CHIEL, H.J.; VAIDYANATHAN, R.; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University; Naval Postgraduate School: Neuromechanics of Biorobots Our research has demonstrated the value of focusing on both the biomechanics and neural control of biological organisms as a basis for a new generation of flexible, adaptive robots […]

Locomotor performance and strategies in frogs a simple modelling approach

AERTS , P; Univ. of Antwerp (BE): Locomotor performance and strategies in frogs: a simple modelling approach A simple mathematical model consisting of an ellipsoid body and telescopic limbs, driven by actuators with muscle-like properties, is used to assess locomotor performance and strategies in frogs. Fmax and Vmax of the actuators are tuned in such […]

Differing Roles of Length and Force Feedback in the Regulation of Motor Coordination

NICHOLS, T. Richard; Emory University, Atlanta, GA: Differing Roles of Length and Force Feedback in the Regulation of Motor Coordination The study of musculoskeletal biomechanics and muscle physiology is critical to understanding the manner in which neural mechanisms mediate coordinated movement. Substantial progress has been made in elucidating the roles of sensory feedback from muscle […]

Pelagic Tunicates Pack and Ship the Carbon

Meeting Abstract S3-2.3  Jan. 4  Pelagic Tunicates Pack and Ship the Carbon MADIN, Larry; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The biological carbon cycle in the ocean begins in the surface waters with photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide into phytoplankton cells, which are consumed by a variety of grazers. Some respire and recycle the carbon near the surface, […]

Living in cold Temperature compensation in pteropod mollusk, Clione antarctica

Meeting Abstract S3-2.1  Jan. 4  Living in cold. Temperature compensation in pteropod mollusk, Clione antarctica. DYMOWSKA, A.K.*; SEIBEL, B.A.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island In polar animals living at low temperatures, such as those experienced by C.antarctica, locomotory performance is constrained by slower generation of ATP1. Cold adaptation and acclimatization in ectotherms may […]

Elevated Zooplankton Biomass in Mid-Ocean Eddies

Meeting Abstract S3-2.2  Jan. 4  Elevated Zooplankton Biomass in Mid-Ocean Eddies GOLDTHWAIT, S.*; STEINBERG, D.; MCGILLICUDDY, D.; Humboldt State University; Virginia Institute of Marine Science; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Physical factors ultimately determine the course of biological events in the ocean because processes such as mixing, advection, turbulence, and diffusion affect the distribution, production, and behavior […]

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