OLIVER, Melvin J.; USDA-ARS: Desiccation tolerance in bryophytes; is tolerance the primitive condition in plants? The majority of desiccation-tolerant plants are found in the less complex clades that constitute the algae, lichens and bryophytes. However, within the larger and more complex groups of vascular land plants there are some 120-130 species that exhibit some degree […]
sessions: S3-1
A life history perspective to desiccation tolerance
J�NSSON, K.I.; Lund University, Sweden: A life history perspective to desiccation tolerance Extreme desiccation tolerance, or anhydrobiosis, is a phenotypic trait that has evolved as a response to desiccating conditions imposed by the environment. Periods of anhydrobiosis represent a specific life history stage characterised demographically by a survival function, but such periods may also influence […]
Neuromechanics of Multifunctionality
CHIEL, Hillel J; Case Western Reserve University: Neuromechanics of Multifunctionality How do animals deploy a group of muscles and neurons to generate qualitatively different behaviors? In engineered devices, different functions are cleanly assigned to different sub-components. In contrast, in biological systems, fluid and rapid reconfiguration of both the periphery and nervous system are utilized to […]
Inverse analysis of flight control of Hawkmoths
DANIEL, T.*; HEDRICK, T; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Washington, Seattle: Inverse analysis of flight control of Hawkmoths The three dimensional flight paths of insects are the result of complex temporal patterns of muscle activation which, coupled to the exoskeleton, create particular kinematic patterns of wing motion. These kinematic patterns result in aerodynamic forces […]
Changing Locomotory Speed in a Mollusk From Neurons to Mechanics
SATTERLIE, R.*; SZYMIK, B.; University of North Carolina Wilmington; Arizona State University: Changing Locomotory Speed in a Mollusk: From Neurons to Mechanics The change from slow to fast swimming in the pteropod mollusk Clione limacina has been described at the circuit and cellular levels. Thus far, we can relate neuronal activity to increases in locomotor […]
Cells, circuits and swimming examining the neuromuscular control of locomotion with the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
HALE, M. E.; Univ. of Chicago, IL: Cells, circuits and swimming: examining the neuromuscular control of locomotion with the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Understanding the organization and function of neural circuits in the brain and spinal cord has been a major goal of neuroscientists. The high complexity and inaccessibility of the central nervous system has made […]
Visual Ecology on the high seas
Meeting Abstract S3-1.1 Jan. 4 Visual Ecology on the high seas JOHNSEN, S; Duke University, Durham, NC sjohnsen@duke.edu Oceanographic research has primarily focused on supra-organismal questions, particularly those involving abundance, distribution and trophic relationships. This approach has been extraordinarily productive and has presently culminated in remote sensing techniques that can map the chlorophyll distribution in the entire […]
Small-scale biological-physical-chemical cues of plankton
Meeting Abstract S3-1.4 Jan. 4 Small-scale biological-physical-chemical cues of plankton. YEN, J; Georgia Institute of Technology jeannette.yen@biology.gatech.edu Plankton operate at low Reynolds numbers, generating water-borne cues that can be attenuated by viscosity and confused with small-scale turbulence. Yet messages are created, transmitted, perceived and recognized. These messages guide essential survival tasks of aquatic micro crustaceans. Cues created […]
Pelagic Amphipods Hyperiids, Hypertrophies, and Homoplasies on the High Seas
Meeting Abstract S3-1.3 Jan. 4 Pelagic Amphipods: Hyperiids, Hypertrophies, and Homoplasies on the High Seas BROWNE, W.E.; Kewalo Marine Lab, University of Hawaii wbrowne@hawaii.edu Homoplasies, the reappearance of similarities between related lineages, are one of the most fascinating and perplexing phenomena in evolution. The amphipods rank as one of the most ecologically successful and speciose extant orders […]
New light on an old problem Insights into the development and evolution of the chaetognaths
Meeting Abstract S3-1.6 Jan. 4 New light on an old problem: Insights into the development and evolution of the chaetognaths MATUS, D.Q.*; HEJNOL, A.; DUNN, C.W.; HALANYCH, K.M.; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Hawaii; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Hawaii; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Hawaii; Auburn Univ., Auburn; Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univ. of Hawaii […]