Validation of Bateman’s principles Comparative evidence from taxa with conventional and reversed sex roles

JONES, Adam; Georgia Institute of Technology: Validation of Bateman’s principles: Comparative evidence from taxa with conventional and reversed sex roles With the advent of molecular techniques, we can now measure mating systems and the intensity of sexual selection in natural population with unprecedented detail. Widespread adoption of a standard approach to the statistical characterization of […]

The Problem with Paradigms Bateman’s Predictions as a Case Study

TANG-MARTINEZ, Z.; RYDER, T.B.; University of Missouri-St. Louis; University of Missouri-St. Louis: The Problem with Paradigms: Bateman’s Predictions as a Case Study Bateman’s Principle, its corollaries, and its predictions constitute an important paradigm in behavioral ecology. This paradigm has influenced numerous areas of research in behavior, including sexual selection theory, hypotheses on the evolution of […]

Terminal Investment Strategies and Male Mate Choice Extreme Tests of Bateman

ANDRADE, MCB; University of Toronto at Scarborough: Terminal Investment Strategies and Male Mate Choice: Extreme Tests of Bateman Bateman’s principle predicts the intensity of sexual selection is controlled by rates of increase of fecundity with mating success for each sex (Bateman’s slopes). The sex with a steeper increase (usually males) is under more intense sexual […]

Selective Cooperation vs Antagonistic Coevolution Competing Offspring of Bateman’s Principle

EBERHARD, WG; STRI and Univ. de Costa Rica: Selective Cooperation vs. Antagonistic Coevolution: Competing Offspring of Bateman’s Principle Several major empirical patterns in nature conform to the Bateman principle that male reproduction is generally more limited by access to mates than is that of females: males not females generally initiate sexual interactions; males generally court […]

Batemans principle and simultaneous hermaphrodites a paradox

LEONARD, J.L.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz: Bateman�s principle and simultaneous hermaphrodites: a paradox Bateman�s principle states that reproductive success is limited a) in females by the resources available for egg production; and b) in males, only by access to females and/or eggs. Therefore, variance in reproductive success should be higher in males than in […]

&65279;The Darwin-Bateman Paradigm in Historical Context

DEWSBURY, D. A.; Univ. of Florida: The Darwin-Bateman Paradigm in Historical Context  I introduce the term �Darwin-Bateman Paradigm� to include several ideas stemming from the writings of Charles Darwin and A. J. Bateman including the notions that (a) male reproductive success is more variable than that of females, (b) males gain more in reproductive […]

The evolution and ecology of desiccation tolerance in mosses

MISHLER, Brent; Univ. of California, Berkeley: The evolution and ecology of desiccation tolerance in mosses Bryophytes and tracheophytes adopted very different approaches to being a land plant; in general the bryophytes differ in most ways in their biology, ecology, and evolution from tracheophytes. One major difference is poikilohydry (the rapid equilibration of the plant’s water […]

The constraints of tolerance why are desiccation-tolerant organisms small and rare

ALPERT, P; Univ. of Massachusetts – Amherst: The constraints of tolerance: why are desiccation-tolerant organisms small and rare? The ability to tolerate desiccation is common in terrestrial microbes, bryophytes, and lichens but rare in vascular plants. No desiccation-tolerant plant grows more than 3 m tall, and over 75% of the vascular species are associated with […]

Soil nematodes and desiccation survival in the extreme arid environment of the Antarctic Dry Valleys

TREONIS, A.M.*; WALL, D.H.; Creighton University; Colorado State University: Soil nematodes and desiccation survival in the extreme arid environment of the Antarctic Dry Valleys Soil nematodes are capable of employing an anhydrobiotic survival strategy in response to adverse environmental conditions. The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica represent a unique environment for the study of anhydrobiosis […]

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