Meeting Abstract S2.10 Monday, Jan. 4 Physiological Evolution in Natural Populations of Snakes with Divergent Lifespans, but Negligible Senescence BRONIKOWSKI, Anne; Iowa State University Reptiles are an underutilized model for studying the biology of senescence; the existence of negligible senescence in many reptile species suggests that their study could provide intriguing insights into the biology of […]
sessions: S2
Nutrient allocation in long-lived ovariectomized grasshoppers tests of the disposable soma hypothesis
Meeting Abstract S2.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Nutrient allocation in long-lived ovariectomized grasshoppers: tests of the disposable soma hypothesis JUDD, Evan T; DREWRY, Michelle; WRIGHT, Katharine; WESSELS, Frank; HAHN, Daniel A; HATLE, John D*; University of North Florida; University of North Florida; University of North Florida; University of Florida; University of Florida; University of North Florida The […]
Metabolism and Longevity is there a role for membrane fatty acids
Meeting Abstract S2.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Metabolism and Longevity: is there a role for membrane fatty acids? HULBERT, AJ; Univ. of Wollongong, Australia Over 100 years ago, Max Rubner combined the fact that both metabolic rate and longevity of mammals varies with body size to calculate that “life energy potential” (lifetime energy turnover per kg) was […]
Metabolic Function and Aging in Yeast
Meeting Abstract S2.2 Monday, Jan. 4 Metabolic Function and Aging in Yeast VAN VOORHIES, W.A.*; GOTTSCHLING, D.E.; New Mexico State University; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center The most widely proposed mechanistic explanation for the aging process links the production of free-radicals and other oxidants produced during aerobic respiration to biomolecular damage that results in aging. While […]
Functional linkages for the pace of life, life-history, and environment in birds
Meeting Abstract S2.8 Monday, Jan. 4 Functional linkages for the pace of life, life-history, and environment in birds WILLIAMS, J.B; Ohio State University; University of Michigan; University of Michigan Although physiological systems have likely altered as a result of evolutionary diversification of life histories, our understanding of the functional linkages between life-history and physiological mechanisms remains […]
Comparative Biology of Aging in the 21st Century
Meeting Abstract S2.1 Monday, Jan. 4 Comparative Biology of Aging in the 21st Century AUSTAD, Steven N; Univ, of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio Laboratory models have suggested a link between metabolism and life span in vertebrates, and it is well known that the evolution of specific life histories can be driven by metabolic factors. […]
A network perspective on metabolism and aging
Meeting Abstract S2.7 Monday, Jan. 4 A network perspective on metabolism and aging PROMISLOW, Daniel; University of Georgia Metabolic rate and longevity are both correlated with body size across species. However, after one controls for size, the correlation between the two is less clear. In a comparative study in the genus Drosophila, we found that longevity […]
The ontogeny and physiology of daily oral behaviors
Meeting Abstract S2.8 Tuesday, Jan. 4 The ontogeny and physiology of daily oral behaviors LANGENBACH, Geerling EJ*; VAN WESSEL, Tim; ACTA, Amsterdam; University of Twente, Enschede In the masticatory system, muscle activities are the main source of force. The daily jaw muscle activity is a measure for the total daily loading of the tissues involved. The […]
The mandibular instantaneous center of rotation in non-human primates and its relation to gape
Meeting Abstract S2.11 Tuesday, Jan. 4 The mandibular instantaneous center of rotation in non-human primates and its relation to gape. TERHUNE, Claire E.*; IRIARTE-DIAZ, Jose; TAYLOR, Andrea B.; ROSS, Callum F.; Duke University; University of Chicago; Duke University; University of Chicago Kinematic analyses of mandibular movement in humans have demonstrated that the location of the mandibular […]
The development and evolution of mammalian swallowing
Meeting Abstract S2.7 Tuesday, Jan. 4 The development and evolution of mammalian swallowing CAMPBELL-MALONE, R*; CROMPTON, A W; THEXTON, A J; GERMAN, R Z; Johns Hopkins University; Harvard University; King’s College, London; Johns Hopkins University Suckling is a synapomorphy that characterizes mammals. It consists of two distinct behaviors: (1) sucking, a cyclic tongue-based behavior, which is […]