HUEY, R.B.*; HOFMANN, G.E.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara: Introduction to the Bartholomew Award and Symposium We describe the rationale and history of the G. A. Bartholomew Award, and introduct the Symposium.
sessions: S2
Hot Tuna in Cold Seas The Ecological Physiology and Conservation of Giant Bluefin
BLOCK, BA; Stanford University: Hot Tuna in Cold Seas: The Ecological Physiology and Conservation of Giant Bluefin Tuna have historically been a challenge to study due to their size, speed and range over the vast oceanic habitat. Electronic tagging and remote sensing technologies are revolutionizing the study of tunas in the open ocean. Critical information […]
George A Bartholomew’s contributions to integrative and comparative biology
DAWSON, W.R.; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor: George A. Bartholomew’s contributions to integrative and comparative biology The Bartholomew Award has now completed a decade of recognizing outstanding young investigators in comparative physiology and biochemistry or in related fields of functional and integrative biology. It honors Professor George A. Bartholomew (�Bart� to his many students and […]
Felling trees with a sock full of custard the evolution of durophagy in cartilaginous fishes
SUMMERS, A.P.; Univ. Of California, Irvine: Felling trees with a sock full of custard ? the evolution of durophagy in cartilaginous fishes Chimaeras, sharks and rays abandoned a bony skeleton in favor of one of mineralized and unmineralized cartilage. Though reports on the material properties of shark cartilage are rare it is clear that mammalian […]
Evolutionary and proximate mechanisms of intestinal adaptation
SECOR, S.M; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa: Evolutionary and proximate mechanisms of intestinal adaptation Vertebrates display a broad spectrum of adaptive responses of their digestive system to feeding and fasting. This is exemplified among amphibians and reptiles from species that feed relatively frequently and experience modest fluctuations in intestinal performance to those species that feed infrequently […]
Evolutionary Developmental Endocrinology Evolution of Mechanisms and Mechanisms of Evolution
HAYES, Tyrone B.; Univ. of California, Berkeley: Evolutionary Developmental Endocrinology: Evolution of Mechanisms and Mechanisms of Evolution As in all vertebrates, hormones are critical in amphibian growth and development. Thyroid hormones regulate larval development and metamorphosis and have a permissive role in sexual development, glucocorticoids modulate thyroid hormone activity and effect immune function and somatic […]
What can 18S rDNA do for copepod phylogeny and classification
Meeting Abstract S2.9 Sunday, Jan. 4 What can 18S rDNA do for copepod phylogeny and classification? HUYS, R*; LLEWELLYN-HUGHES, J; British Museum No group of plants or animals on Earth exhibits the range of morphological diversity as seen among the extant Crustacea. This is best demonstrated by the Copepoda, which by virtue of their immense vertical […]
The five wonders of the parasitic Copepoda
Meeting Abstract S2.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 The five wonders of the parasitic Copepoda HO, J.-S.; California State Univ., Long Beach Although Copepoda is not the largest group of Crustacea, it embraces the highest number of symbiotic forms among Crustacea. They live on/in every major group of organisms found in the aquatic environment. Judging from the high […]
The comparative biology of Copepoda parasitic on three host taxa fishes, polychaetes and crustaceans
Meeting Abstract S2.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 The comparative biology of Copepoda parasitic on three host taxa: fishes, polychaetes and crustaceans. BOXSHALL, G.A.; The Natural History Museum, London The Copepoda is one of the mega-abundant arthropod taxa on Earth and, although most copepods are free-living, about one third of known species live in symbiotic associations. They have […]
Salmon Lice Infection of Farmed and Wild Salmonids in Norway an Overview
Meeting Abstract S2.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 Salmon Lice Infection of Farmed and Wild Salmonids in Norway: an Overview HEUCH, P.A.*; BJORN, P.A.; FINSTAD, B.; ASPLIN, L.; HOLST, J.C.; National Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway; Norwegian Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Tromso; Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Trondheim; Institute for Marine Research, Bergen, Norway; Institute for Marine Research, […]