Energetic Constraints and Size Gradients in Intertidal and Subtidal Marine Invertebrates

SEBENS, Kenneth P: Energetic Constraints and Size Gradients in Intertidal and Subtidal Marine Invertebrates. Marine invertebrate populations generally span habitats with a range of physical and biological characteristics. For example, energetic stress increases with temperature and aerial exposure, and prey intake increases with immersion time. Wave action can have similar effects, although certain species benefit […]

Ecological Genetics of the Mpi polymorphism in the Acorn Barnacle, Semibabalnus balanoides

RAND, D.M; SACKTON, T.B.; SPAETH, P.S.; SCHMIDT, P.S.: Ecological Genetics of the Mpi polymorphism in the Acorn Barnacle, Semibabalnus balanoides The mannose phosphate isomerase (Mpi) locus is one of the most consistently polymorphic enzymes of central metabolism in marine invertebrates. This protein exhibits a strong two-allele polymorphism in the common acorn barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides. Our […]

Biochemical and physiological indicators of metabolic variability in rocky intertidal organisms

DAHLHOFF, E.P.: Biochemical and physiological indicators of metabolic variability in rocky intertidal organisms Comparative physiologists have long been interested in the relationship between metabolic activity and environmental variation. Rocky intertidal animals have been central in these studies. They experience large spatial and temporal variations in a number of environmental conditions that affect physiological processes and […]

Studying performance in nature Implications for fitness variation within populations

IRSCHICK, DUNCAN J.*; Tulane University: Studying performance in nature: Implications for fitness variation within populations Many biologists believe that the ability of an organism to survive in nature is influenced by key performance traits, such as maximum speed. Studies of ecological performance (the level of performance exhibited in nature) can thus provide general insight into […]

Selection and Physiological Evolution during Biological Invasion Events

LEE, Carol Eunmi; University of Wisconsin, Madison: Selection and Physiological Evolution during Biological Invasion Events Invasive species serve as excellent models for studying rapid evolution in response to new environments. Recent invasions of fresh water have occurred multiple times independently in the copepod species complex Eurytemora affinis, providing replicated tests of physiological adaptation. Work in […]

Reciprocal selection at the phenotypic interface of coevolution

BRODIE III, Edmund D.; BRODIE, JR., Edmund D.; RIDENHOUR, B. J.; Indiana University; Utah State University; Indiana University: Reciprocal selection at the phenotypic interface of coevolution Coevolutionary interactions between species depend upon a phenotypic interface of traits in each species that mediate the outcome of interactions among individuals. These phenotypic interfaces usually involve performance traits, […]

Ontogenetic Conflict Between the Sexes and Selection on Life History and Performance Traits

SINERVO, Barry; CALSBEEK, Ryan; HAZARD, Lisa; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz: Ontogenetic Conflict Between the Sexes and Selection on Life History and Performance Traits Intersexual ontogenetic conflict arises when an allele�s fitness optimum differs between the sexes. Conflict is increasingly recognized as an important means […]

Mutation accumulation, performance and fitness in Drosophila melanogaster

HUEY, R.B.*; GILCHRIST, G.W.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; College of William & Mary: Mutation accumulation, performance and fitness in Drosophila melanogaster Studies of the �physiology-performance-fitness� paradigm typically monitor natural variation in physiology and/or performance and then search for correlations with indices of fitness. Here we take a very different approach to testing this paradigm. We […]

Multivariate stabilizing selection on morphology and performance

ARNOLD, Stevan J.; Oregon State University: Multivariate stabilizing selection on morphology and performance Theoretical discussions of morphology, performance and fitness have treated only the case of directional (linear) selection. Under a variety of circumstances it seems likely that (1) morphology has a curvilinear relationship to performance and (2) performance has a curvilinear relationship to fitness. […]

Multi-trait selection, adaptation, and constraints on the evolution of performance An empirical example using Trinidadian guppies

GHALAMBOR, C,K*; WALKER, J.A.; REZNICK, D.N.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of Southern Maine, Portland; Univ. of California, Riverside: Multi-trait selection, adaptation, and constraints on the evolution of performance: An empirical example using Trinidadian guppies The conceptual relationship between morphology, performance, and fitness has served as a useful paradigm for understanding the consequences of phenotypic […]

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