Meeting Abstract S2.3 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Shifts in muscle activity patterns during the evolution of feeding in gnathostomes KONOW, N*; HERREL, A; WILLIAMS, S; ROSS, CF; DE VREE, F; CROMPTON, AW; GERMAN, RZ; SANFORD, CPJ; GINTOF, C; Brown University; CNRS/MNHH; Ohio University; University of Chicago; University of Antwerp; Harvard University; Johns Hopkins University; Hofstra University; Hofstra University […]
sessions: S2
Patterns of jaw-muscle recruitment evolution in mammals
Meeting Abstract S2.4 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Patterns of jaw-muscle recruitment evolution in mammals WILLIAMS, SH*; VINYARD, CJ; CROMPTON, AW; HYLANDER, WL; Ohio University, Athens; NEOUCOM, Rootstown; Harvard, Cambridge; Duke Univ., Durham The evolution and subsequent diversification of mammals is characterized by marked changes in the morphology of the masticatory apparatus, and these marked changes are presumably […]
Patterns of functional integration in the mammalian masticatory apparatus
Meeting Abstract S2.5 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Patterns of functional integration in the mammalian masticatory apparatus VINYARD, CJ*; DOHERTY, AH; WALL, CE; WILLIAMS, SH; ROSS, CF; HERRING, SW; CROMPTON, AW; HYLANDER, WL; NEOUCOM; NEOUCOM; Duke Univ; Ohio Univ; Univ of Chicago; Univ of Washington; Harvard Univ; Duke Univ Jaw-muscle recruitment plays a key role in the complex […]
Masticatory motor patterns of herbivorous marsupials
Meeting Abstract S2.6 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Masticatory motor patterns of herbivorous marsupials. CROMPTON, AW; WILLIAMS, SH*; Harvard Univ; Ohio Univ Primitive masticatory motor patterns are characterized by the activation of a set of muscles (Group I) that move the working-side jaw laterally and vertically during occlusion followed by a comparable set (Group II) that move the […]
Mastication and the Postorbital Ligament Dynamic Strain in Soft Tissues
Meeting Abstract S2.9 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Mastication and the Postorbital Ligament: Dynamic Strain in Soft Tissues HERRING, S.W.*; RAFFERTY, K.L.; LIU, Z.J.; LEMME, M.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Collagenous ligaments resist tension but are useless under other loading regimes. Whereas the periodontal and the jaw joint capsular ligaments are intrinsic parts of masticatory mechanics, this is […]
Mammalian Masticatory Muscles homology, nomenclature, and diversification
Meeting Abstract S2.2 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Mammalian Masticatory Muscles: homology, nomenclature, and diversification DRUZINSKY, R.E.*; DOHERTY, A.H.; DE VREE, F; Univ. of Illinois, Chicago; Northeast. Ohio Univ. Col. of Med. and Pharm.; Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium There is a deep and rich literature of comparative studies of jaw muscles in mammals (e.g., Toldt,1905; Edgeworth, 1935; Turnbull, […]
Introduction Overview of the Feeding Experiments End-User Database (FEED)
Meeting Abstract S2.1 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Introduction: Overview of the Feeding Experiments End-User Database (FEED) WALL, C.E.**; VINYARD, C.J.; WILLIAMS, S.H.; GERMAN, R.Z.; GAPEYEV, V.; LIU, X.; Duke Univ.; NEOUCOM; Ohio Univ.; Johns Hopkins Univ.; NESCent; NESCent In 2009, we initiated a Working Group of feeding physiologists supported by the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center to develop […]
Determinants of variance in 3-D jaw kinematics in two species of primates
Meeting Abstract S2.10 Tuesday, Jan. 4 Determinants of variance in 3-D jaw kinematics in two species of primates IRIARTE-DIAZ, J.*; REED, D.A.; ROSS, C.F.; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago The mammalian feeding system presents practical advantages for the study of kinematics and its relationship to musculoskeletal morphology and neural and muscle activity. […]
The mechanisms of condition-dependent variation in melanin-based plumage color
Meeting Abstract S2.3-2 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:00 The mechanisms of condition-dependent variation in melanin-based plumage color. D’ALBA, L.*; SPENCER, K.A.; VAN HEMERT, C.; HEIDINGER, B.J.; GILL, L.; EVANS, N.P.; MONAGHAN, P.; HANDEL, C.M.; SHAWKEY, M.D.; University of Akron; University of St. Andrews; USGS Alaska Science Center; University of Glasgow; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; University of Glasgow; […]
The evolution of honest communication integrating social and physiological costs of ornamentation
Meeting Abstract S2.2-1 Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30 The evolution of honest communication: integrating social and physiological costs of ornamentation TIBBETTS, Elizabeth; University of Michigan The honesty of animal communication systems is a central issue in behavioral and evolutionary biology. What prevents weak, low quality individuals from ‘cheating’ by signaling that they are strong? The general answer […]