Natural Epigenetic Variation in Arabidopsis

Meeting Abstract S2-1.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Natural Epigenetic Variation in Arabidopsis RICHARDS, Eric J*; HENKHAUS, Natalie; ANAND, Ila S.; Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research; Cornell University The accumulating evidence documenting the prevalence of stable inherited epigenetic alleles, which can be transmitted from one organismal generation to the next independent […]

Evolutionary consequences of nongenetic inheritance

Meeting Abstract S2-1.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Evolutionary consequences of nongenetic inheritance DAY, Troy; Queen’s University There has been widespread interest in recent years in inheritance mechanisms that exist alongside genetic inheritance, and the role that these might play in evolution. I will present some work that develops a unified theoretical framework for modeling evolution under the […]

Ecological Epigenetics Beyond MS-AFLP

Meeting Abstract S2-1.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Ecological Epigenetics: Beyond MS-AFLP SCHREY, Aaron*; ALVAREZ, Mariano ; FOUST, Christy; KILVITIS, Holly; LIEBL, Andrea; MARTIN, Lynn B.; RICHARDS, Christina; ROBERTSON, Marta; Armstrong Atlantic State Univ.; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida; Univ. S. Florida Ecological Epigenetics studies […]

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