Meeting Abstract S2-1.5 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The hermaphroditic mangrove killifish as a model for embryological studies KUDOH, Tetsuhiro; Univ. of Exeter, Exeter, UK The self-fertilizing hermaphroditic mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus, provides us with a very unique genetic model to study processes in embryonic development. To better utilize this species for embryological studies, we have reexamined details […]
sessions: S2-1
The Influence of Salinity on Zinc and Nickel Toxicity to Two Euryhaline Fish Species
Meeting Abstract S2-1.4 Wednesday, Jan. 4 The Influence of Salinity on Zinc and Nickel Toxicity to Two Euryhaline Fish Species BIELMYER, GK*; DECARLO, C; MORRIS, C; CARRIGAN, T; BULLINGTON, JB; Valdosta State University Salinity can rapidly change in estuarine systems on a daily and seasonal basis and these changes may influence the bioavailability and thus toxicity […]
Population genetics and phylogeography of a selfing killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
Meeting Abstract S2-1.3 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Population genetics and phylogeography of a selfing killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus TATARENKOV, A.; Univ of California, Irvine The mangrove rivulus, Kryptolebias marmoratus, is one of only two related vertebrate animals known to self-fertilize. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) divergence from the related species, K. ocellatus, shows that selfing in K. marmoratus persisted for […]
Meeting Abstract S2-1.0 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Introduction Orlando, E.F., and a Special Guest
Establishing Developmental Genetics in the Mangrove Killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus)
Meeting Abstract S2-1.7 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Establishing Developmental Genetics in the Mangrove Killifish (Kryptolebias marmoratus) SUCAR, S.; NEWSOME, J.M.; MOORE, G.L.; RING, B.C.*; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University The mangrove killifish is a synchronous hermaphroditic fish, which utilizes an ovotestis for reproduction resulting in isogenic lineages analogous to the […]
Effects of Developmental Exposure to Ethinyl-Estradiol on Gene Expression and Fitness of the Adult Rivulus, Kryptolebias marmoratus
Meeting Abstract S2-1.6 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Effects of Developmental Exposure to Ethinyl-Estradiol on Gene Expression and Fitness of the Adult Rivulus, Kryptolebias marmoratus FARMER, J.L.; ORLANDO, E.F.*; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park Concern over endocrine disrupting chemicals found in the aquatic environment and evidence of altered development and reproduction of fishes […]
Bringing genomics to non-model organisms the promise of de novo genome assembly and population genetics of the fish Kryptolebias marmoratus
Meeting Abstract S2-1.2 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Bringing genomics to non-model organisms: the promise of de novo genome assembly and population genetics of the fish Kryptolebias marmoratus KELLEY, JL*; YEE, MC; LEE, C; LEVANDOWSKY, E; SHAH, M; HARKINS, T; EARLEY, RL; BUSTAMANTE, CD; Stanford University, University of Chicago; Stanford University; Life Technologies; Life Technologies; Life Technologies; Life Technologies; […]
The role of learning in mediating transgenerational responses to nutrition
Meeting Abstract S2-1.7 Friday, Jan. 4 The role of learning in mediating transgenerational responses to nutrition SNELL-ROOD, EC; University of Minnesota Understanding how organisms cope with variation in the quantity and quality of nutrition is relevant to predicting their responses to changing nutritional environments and may have implications for human health. In many species, parents gain […]
The function of DNA methylation in insects
Meeting Abstract S2-1.6 Friday, Jan. 4 The function of DNA methylation in insects GLASTAD, K M; HUNT, B G; YI, S V; GOODISMAN, M A D*; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Many organisms are capable of developing distinct phenotypes in response to ecological variation. This developmental plasticity is particularly prevalent in insects, which […]
Reversible switching between epigenetic states in honeybee behavioral subcastes
Meeting Abstract S2-1.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Reversible switching between epigenetic states in honeybee behavioral subcastes HERB, Brian R.; WOLSCHIN, Florian; HANSEN , Kasper D.; ARYEE, Martin J.; LANGMEAD, Ben; IRIZARRY, Rafael; AMDAM, Gro V.*; FEINBERG, Andrew P.; Johns Hopkins University ; Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Johns Hopkins University ; Johns Hopkins University ; Johns Hopkins University […]