GHISELIN, Michael T.; California Academy of Sciences: Sexual Selection in Hermaphrodites: Where Did our Ideas Come From? Interpretations of hermaphroditism have been influenced by the old idea that organisms can be arranged in a series from lower to higher, with human beings at the top, leading toward the angels and God (the scala naturae). The […]
sessions: S2-1
Sexual Selection in Hermaphrodites What Does It Look Like and Where Do We Find It
LEONARD, J.L.*; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz: Sexual Selection in Hermaphrodites: What Does It Look Like and Where Do We Find It? Darwin believed that his theory of sexual selection would apply only to animals with sophisticated behavior and sensory systems. Modern emphasis on variance in mating success as an index of the opportunity for […]
Plant-like mating in sessile animals by the release and uptake of aquatic sperm
PEMBERTON, AJ*; BISHOP, JDD; Marine Biological Association of the UK; Marine Biological Association of the UK and University of Plymouth: Plant-like mating in sessile animals by the release and uptake of aquatic sperm In contrast to copulatory mating or broadcast spawning for external fertilization, a diverse range of marine animals release dispersing aquatic sperm which […]
Perspectives on the evolution of sexual tactics in animal-pollinated plants pollen presentation theory and sex allocation theory
THOMSON, JD; University of Toronto: Perspectives on the evolution of sexual tactics in animal-pollinated plants: pollen presentation theory and sex allocation theory Many researchers seeking to understand the great range of sexual expression in flowering plants have referred to sex allocation theory for general conceptual insights. Other approaches are possible. With various colleagues, I have […]
Life history and sex allocation strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm
LORENZI, M.C.; SELLA, G.; SCHLEICHEROVA, D.; Univ. of Turin, Italy; Univ. of Turin, Italy; Univ. of Turin, Italy: Life history and sex allocation strategies in a simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm The selective advantage of hermaphroditism over gonochorism may reside in the ability of hermaphrodites to adjust relative male and female investment via phenotypic plasticity and/or […]
Fitness consequences of selfing and outcrossing in the cestode Schistocephalus solidus
MILINSKI, M; Max-Planck-Institute of Limnology, Pl�n, Germany: Fitness consequences of selfing and outcrossing in the cestode Schistocephalus solidus S. solidus is a simultaneous hermaphroditic cestode, which passes through two sequential intermediate hosts, i.e. a copepod and the three-spined stickleback fish, until it reproduces in the gut of its definitive host, i.e. any fish-eating bird, which […]
Consequences of variation in sexual selection for sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites effects of population density
ST. MARY, Colette M; SINGLER, Heather; SABASTIZABEL, Maria N; University of Florida; University of Texas Marine Science Institute; University of Florida: Consequences of variation in sexual selection for sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites: effects of population density Sexual selection typically consists of competition among males for access to mates and female preference for males. In […]
The comparative biology of spinal motor networks in zebrafish
FETCHO, J.R.; Cornell University: The comparative biology of spinal motor networks in zebrafish After decades of work, the spinal motor networks for swimming and escape in fishes and amphibians are among the best understood motor circuits in vertebrates. These circuits in anamniotes have much in common, but linking their cell types to the circuits in […]
Phylogenetic Relationships of Danio within the Order Cypriniformes A Framework for Comparative and Evolutionary Studies of a Model Species
MAYDEN, R. L.*; CONWAY, K.; CHAMBERLAIN, S.; HASKINS, M.; SCHNEIDER, L.; SUDKAMP, M.; TANG, K; WOOD, R. M.; Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri: Phylogenetic Relationships of Danio within the Order Cypriniformes: A Framework for Comparative and Evolutionary Studies of a Model Species. The evolutionary relationships of species of Danio and the monophyly and phylogenetic […]
Left-Right Asymmetry in the Zebrafish Brain
HALPERN, ME*; KUAN, YS; SANTHAKUMAR, K; GAMSE, JT; Carnegie Institution; Carnegie Institution; Carnegie Institution; Vanderbilt University: Left-Right Asymmetry in the Zebrafish Brain In the human cortex, the left hemisphere functions differently from the right. How this specialization arises and the corresponding anatomical substrates are poorly understood. The zebrafish epithalamus is a valuable model for exploring […]