New tools to engineer cellular circuitry in behavioral neuroscience

Meeting Abstract S12-3  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:30  New tools to engineer cellular circuitry in behavioral neuroscience CHOW, B.Y.; University of Pennsylvania Optogenetics permits myriad events in cell signaling, excitability, and gene transcription to be optically perturbed and sensed, thereby providing a set of input/output interfaces to biological circuits with the biochemical precision of pharmacological agents and […]

Modeling the co-evolution of social structure and behaviors in animal societies

Meeting Abstract S12-2  Thursday, Jan. 7 09:00  Modeling the co-evolution of social structure and behaviors in animal societies AKCAY, Erol; University of Pennsylvania The structure of animal and human societies, i.e., the distribution and arrangement of social bonds between individuals, is an important determinant of individual behavior, health, and ultimately fitness. Recently, there has been […]

Integrating Metabolic Regulation and Maternal Care in an African Cichlid fish

Meeting Abstract S12-8  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00  Integrating Metabolic Regulation and Maternal Care in an African Cichlid fish. RENN, SCP*; O’ROURKE, C; RENN, Susan; Reed College Maternal care is an essential adaptive social behavior for many species, yet the underlying neural mechanisms have largely been addressed in mammalian systems. A new mother’s brain undergoes a fundamental […]

Insights gained from comparative approaches to studying vocal communication

Meeting Abstract S12-5  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00  Insights gained from comparative approaches to studying vocal communication WOOLLEY, S M; Columbia University Social communication is a strong selective pressure on brain evolution; the exchange of information between individuals is crucial for fitness-related behavior such as mating. At the species level, brains of signal senders and receivers […]

Individual variation and covariation in vector-borne disease directed behaviors

Meeting Abstract S12-9  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:30  Individual variation and covariation in vector-borne disease directed behaviors MARTIN, LB*; BARRON, DG; BURKETT-CADENA, ND; BURGAN, SB; GERVASI, SS; UYSAL, AK; SHIMIZU, T; Univ. or South Florida; Arkansas Tech Univ.; Florida Medical Ento Lab; Univ. or South Florida; Univ. or South Florida; Univ. or South Florida; Univ. or South Florida […]

Cooperation and conflict in social insect societies from genes to pheromones

Meeting Abstract S12-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30  Cooperation and conflict in social insect societies: from genes to pheromones GROZINGER, Christina; Penn State University While honey bee colonies are often thought of a harmonious “superorganisms”, our studies of interactions among the queen, workers and drones have revealed a nuanced and sophisticated pheromone communication system that balances […]

Animal behavior past, present and future

Meeting Abstract S12-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:30  Animal behavior: past, present and future RUEBNSTEIN, Dustin R.; Columbia University Animal behavior is a varied and dynamic discipline that has been evolving since the beginning of 20th century. Classical approaches to the study of animal behavior have been limited to relatively simple processes and questions, which often […]

Understanding gecko adhesion toward an integration of evolutionary, ecological biomechanical and biomimetic approaches

Meeting Abstract S12-1  Monday, Jan. 7 07:45 – 08:00  Understanding gecko adhesion: toward an integration of evolutionary, ecological biomechanical and biomimetic approaches. RUSSELL, Anthony P.*; STARK, Alyssa; HIGHAM, Timothy; RUSSELL, Anthony; Univ of Calgary, Canada; Villanova Univ., PA; Univ. California, Riverside, CA; . The remarkable, climbing abilities of geckos have attracted the attention of biologists for […]

Stick or Slip Adhesive Performance of Geckos and Gecko-inspired Synthetics in Wet Environments

Meeting Abstract S12-2  Monday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:30  Stick or Slip: Adhesive Performance of Geckos and Gecko-inspired Synthetics in Wet Environments STARK, Alyssa Y.; Villanova University The gecko adhesive system has inspired hundreds of synthetic mimics principally focused on replicating the strong, yet reversible properties of the natural system. Indeed, geckos can attach and […]

Genome evolution and the origins of gecko adhesion

Meeting Abstract S12-3  Monday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 09:00  Genome evolution and the origins of gecko adhesion GAMBLE, t; marquette university Keratin proteins are an important component of the tetrapod integument. Duplication and diversification of keratin genes is associated with the origin of novel integumentary structures like mammalian hair, avian feathers, and scutes covering turtle […]

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