KOOB, Thomas J.; SUMMERS, Adam P.: An integrated view of tendon biology: bridging the gap between medicine, material, and organism Subsequent to catastrophic failure, tendons undergo a reparative sequence involving epitenon fibroblast colonization of the gap, collagen dominated scar formation, and eventual reorganization of the collagen fibril architecture parallel to the tensile load. However, tendons […]
sessions: S12
Thermal Limits to Life Underlying Mechanisms and Adaptive Plasticity
SOMERO, G.N.; Stanford University: Thermal Limits to Life: Underlying Mechanisms and Adaptive Plasticity Temperature affects all biological structures and processes and serves as a major factor in establishing the biogeographic patterning of species. Among the important questions that link together thermal physiology and distribution patterns are the following. First, what physiological systems seem most critical […]
Peter in Antarctica- Weddell Seal Stories
ZAPOL, Warren; Harvard Medical SChool: Peter in Antarctica- Weddell Seal Stories The presentation will describe Peter Hochachka’s role in a multi-disciplinary group studying the diving physiology and metabolism of the Antarctic Weddell Seal. These studies stretched from 1977 until 1992 and were pivotal in our understanding of the diving reflex and its metabolic and physiological […]
Mechanisms of metabolic rate depression in overwintering ectotherms
BOUTILIER, Robert G.; University of Cambridge: Mechanisms of metabolic rate depression in overwintering ectotherms. In an influential Science article(1) in 1986, Peter Hochachka pointed out that most animals experience some degree of hypoxia and hypothermia during the course of their natural life history either as a consequence of ambient ‘exposure’ per se, or through metabolic, […]
Heirarchical and Metabolic Regulation in the Evolution of Metabolic Scaling
SUAREZ, R.K.; DARVEAU, C.-A.; O’BRIEN, D.M.; ROUBIK, D.W.; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Univ. of British Columbia; Swarthmore College; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Heirarchical and Metabolic Regulation in the Evolution of Metabolic Scaling The allometric scaling of metabolic rate, the evolution of flux capacities in pathways, the regulation of metabolism, and the reconciliation of mechanistic […]
Channel Arrest in the Anoxic Turtle Brain
BUCK, Leslie T; University of Toronto: Channel Arrest in the Anoxic Turtle Brain It has been 16 years since the channel arrest hypothesis was introduced by Peter Hochachka (1986). His realization that ATP consuming membrane functions, primarily ion movement, must be reduced in order to survive long-term anoxia initiated a search by comparative physiologists for […]
Changes in gene expression as adaptations to environmental change
SCHULTE, P.M.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver: Changes in gene expression as adaptations to environmental change As pointed out by Hochachka and Somero in the classic book �Biochemical Adaptation�, two distinct classes of adaptive adjustments in the metabolic machinery of the cell are possible in principle: changes in quantities (expression) or changes in properties (kinetics). […]
Anoxia and Hypoxia Oysters, Turtles and Beyond
STOREY, Kenneth B.; Carleton Univ.: Anoxia and Hypoxia: Oysters, Turtles and Beyond. A major thrust of Peter Hochachka’s work from the early 1970’s onward was how animals functioned in low oxygen environments. Peter and his students attacked problems in hypoxia and anoxia tolerance at various levels of biology. Marine invertebrates served as models for discovery […]
Urban impacts on avian life-history variation integrative approaches to studying sex, stress, sleep, signaling, and sickness in the city
Meeting Abstract S12-7 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30 Urban impacts on avian life-history variation: integrative approaches to studying sex, stress, sleep, signaling, and sickness in the city MCGRAW, K.J.*; WEAVER, M; HUTTON, P; GIRAUDEAU, M; COOK, M; Arizona State University kevin.mcgraw@asu.edu http://mcgraw.lab.asu.edu Rapid urbanization subjects wildlife to unique environmental pressures, some of which can be harmful and others […]
Social variation across sexes, individuals, species and seasons The role of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in avian affiliative behavior
Meeting Abstract S12-6 Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30 Social variation across sexes, individuals, species and seasons: The role of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in avian affiliative behavior KINGSBURY, M.A.; Indiana University mk24@indiana.edu http://kingsbury-goodsonlab.bio.indiana.edu/ Although the social functions of most major neurochemical systems have been explored, there are still some major standouts, including the study of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). […]