BELANGER, Jim H; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge: Strategies and tactics in motor control Vertebrates and arthropods share the common problem of controlling a rigid, articulated skeleton using neurally-controlled, striated muscle. Since this condition has arisen independently in the two groups, there is no reason to assume, a priori, that the control mechanisms used by […]
sessions: S12-1
Control of whole hand grasping A role for motor unit synchronization
WINGES, S. A.*; SANTELLO, M.; Arizona State University: Control of whole hand grasping: A role for motor unit synchronization? Previous work on multi-digit grasping has shown that normal forces exerted by pairs of digits tend to be synchronized across a variety of task conditions. We have suggested that motor unit (MU) synchrony might play a […]
Control of the hand coordination of multiple variables in the kinematic, kinetic and EMG domain
SANTELLO, M.; Arizona State University: Control of the hand: coordination of multiple variables in the kinematic, kinetic and EMG domain The hand is one of the most fascinating and sophisticated motor systems. The hand�s complex biomechanical and neural architecture poses important and challenging questions on the control strategies that underlie the fine coordination of finger […]
Comparative Approaches to Understanding Load Adaptation in Crustacean Locomotion
SCHREINER, Jennifer N; BELANGER, Jim H; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge: Comparative Approaches to Understanding Load Adaptation in Crustacean Locomotion We are interested in the mechanisms underlying adaptation to load by locomotor systems. Amphibious shore crabs (Carcinas maenas) must routinely accommodate large load changes as they move in and out […]