Adaptive locomotor capacity of chronic spinal cats following changes in sensory feedback

BOUYER, L.J.*; ROSSIGNOL, S.; CRSN, Univ. of Montreal; CRSN, Univ. of Montreal: Adaptive locomotor capacity of chronic spinal cats following changes in sensory feedback. To further address the question of spinal plasticity, we used 2 complementary denervation protocols. In protocol #1, a motor denervation was performed, cutting the nerve to ankle extensors Lateral Gastrocnemius and […]

Adaptive Mechanisms of Spinal Locomotion in Cats

ROSSIGNOL, Serge; Universite de Montreal: Adaptive Mechanisms of Spinal Locomotion in Cats My work has concentrated on various aspects of the neural control of locomotion in the cat, including descending, sensory and spinal controls. A long standing interest has been the recovery of treadmill locomotion with interactive training after complete lesions at T13 in adult […]

Sexually dimorphic remodelling of Gambusia’s anal fin, body plan, and spinal neural circuitry which facilitates rapid copulatory behavior

Meeting Abstract S11.5  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Sexually dimorphic remodelling of Gambusia‘s anal fin, body plan, and spinal neural circuitry which facilitates rapid copulatory behavior ROSA-MOLINAR, E.*; LAUDER, G. V.; University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan, PR; Harvard University, Boston, MA For 24 years, our research on the Western Mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis (Gambusia hereafter) has refined […]

Separating the effects of swimming mode and body shape in undulatory swimming

Meeting Abstract S11.7  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Separating the effects of swimming mode and body shape in undulatory swimming TYTELL, E.D.**; BORAZJANI, I.; LAUDER, G.V.; SOTIROPOULOS, F.; University of Maryland, College Park; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota; Harvard University; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Fish body shape and swimming mode are generally correlated. […]

Multifarious selective agents and diverse trait functions Poeciliids shed light on the evolution of fish morphology

Meeting Abstract S11.10  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Multifarious selective agents and diverse trait functions: Poeciliids shed light on the evolution of fish morphology LANGERHANS, R.B.; University of Oklahoma The evolution of body and fin size and shape in fishes is undeniably complex. Body/fin form can experience both direct and indirect selection from numerous selective agents in the […]

Morphological selection and tradeoffs between predator escape and climbing in Hawaiian gobies

Meeting Abstract S11.11  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Morphological selection and tradeoffs between predator escape and climbing in Hawaiian gobies BLOB, R.W.**; KAWANO, S.M.; BRIDGES, W.C.; MAIE, T.; PTACEK, M.B.; JULIUS, M.L.; SCHOENFUSS, H.L.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; St. Cloud State Univ.; St. Cloud State Univ. Environmental pressures may vary over a […]

Morphological Correlates to the Evolution of Elongation in Elopomorph Fishes

Meeting Abstract S11.12  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Morphological Correlates to the Evolution of Elongation in Elopomorph Fishes MEHTA, R.S*; WARD, A.B; ALFARO, M.E; WAINWRIGHT, P.C; Univ. of California, Davis; Adelphi University; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Davis Body shape has had profound effects on how organisms make their living. Long, slender body forms have […]

Introduction to the Symposium Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape

Meeting Abstract S11.1  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Introduction to the Symposium: Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape WALKER, J.A.; Univ. Southern Maine The evolution of fish body shape is one of the central problems in vertebrate morphology. Because of the apparently obvious form-function mapping of fish body shape, […]

Go Reconfigure How Fish Shift Shape Dynamically and Evolutionarily to Modulate Swim-mediated Behaviors

Meeting Abstract S11.8  Wednesday, Jan. 6  Go Reconfigure: How Fish Shift Shape Dynamically and Evolutionarily to Modulate Swim-mediated Behaviors LONG, J.H.*; ROOT, R.G.; PORTER, M.E.; LIEW, C.W.; Vassar College; Lafayette College; Lafayette College; Vassar College Propulsion and maneuverability are driven by dynamic reconfigurations of body shape that are controlled, in part, by the mechanics of the […]

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