BOUYER, L.J.*; ROSSIGNOL, S.; CRSN, Univ. of Montreal; CRSN, Univ. of Montreal: Adaptive locomotor capacity of chronic spinal cats following changes in sensory feedback. To further address the question of spinal plasticity, we used 2 complementary denervation protocols. In protocol #1, a motor denervation was performed, cutting the nerve to ankle extensors Lateral Gastrocnemius and […]
sessions: S11
Adaptive Mechanisms of Spinal Locomotion in Cats
ROSSIGNOL, Serge; Universite de Montreal: Adaptive Mechanisms of Spinal Locomotion in Cats My work has concentrated on various aspects of the neural control of locomotion in the cat, including descending, sensory and spinal controls. A long standing interest has been the recovery of treadmill locomotion with interactive training after complete lesions at T13 in adult […]
A Role for cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase in Foraging Behavior in Fruitflies and Honeybees
SOKOLOWSKI, M.B.*; BEN-SHAHAR, Y.; ROBINSON, G.E.; University of Toronto: A Role for cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase in Foraging Behavior in Fruitflies and Honeybees TBA
Sexually dimorphic remodelling of Gambusia’s anal fin, body plan, and spinal neural circuitry which facilitates rapid copulatory behavior
Meeting Abstract S11.5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Sexually dimorphic remodelling of Gambusia‘s anal fin, body plan, and spinal neural circuitry which facilitates rapid copulatory behavior ROSA-MOLINAR, E.*; LAUDER, G. V.; University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan, PR; Harvard University, Boston, MA For 24 years, our research on the Western Mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis (Gambusia hereafter) has refined […]
Separating the effects of swimming mode and body shape in undulatory swimming
Meeting Abstract S11.7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Separating the effects of swimming mode and body shape in undulatory swimming TYTELL, E.D.**; BORAZJANI, I.; LAUDER, G.V.; SOTIROPOULOS, F.; University of Maryland, College Park; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota; Harvard University; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Fish body shape and swimming mode are generally correlated. […]
Multifarious selective agents and diverse trait functions Poeciliids shed light on the evolution of fish morphology
Meeting Abstract S11.10 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Multifarious selective agents and diverse trait functions: Poeciliids shed light on the evolution of fish morphology LANGERHANS, R.B.; University of Oklahoma The evolution of body and fin size and shape in fishes is undeniably complex. Body/fin form can experience both direct and indirect selection from numerous selective agents in the […]
Morphological selection and tradeoffs between predator escape and climbing in Hawaiian gobies
Meeting Abstract S11.11 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Morphological selection and tradeoffs between predator escape and climbing in Hawaiian gobies BLOB, R.W.**; KAWANO, S.M.; BRIDGES, W.C.; MAIE, T.; PTACEK, M.B.; JULIUS, M.L.; SCHOENFUSS, H.L.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; St. Cloud State Univ.; St. Cloud State Univ. Environmental pressures may vary over a […]
Morphological Correlates to the Evolution of Elongation in Elopomorph Fishes
Meeting Abstract S11.12 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Morphological Correlates to the Evolution of Elongation in Elopomorph Fishes MEHTA, R.S*; WARD, A.B; ALFARO, M.E; WAINWRIGHT, P.C; Univ. of California, Davis; Adelphi University; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Davis Body shape has had profound effects on how organisms make their living. Long, slender body forms have […]
Introduction to the Symposium Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape
Meeting Abstract S11.1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Introduction to the Symposium: Contemporary Approaches to the Study of the Evolution of Fish Body Plan and Fin Shape WALKER, J.A.; Univ. Southern Maine The evolution of fish body shape is one of the central problems in vertebrate morphology. Because of the apparently obvious form-function mapping of fish body shape, […]
Go Reconfigure How Fish Shift Shape Dynamically and Evolutionarily to Modulate Swim-mediated Behaviors
Meeting Abstract S11.8 Wednesday, Jan. 6 Go Reconfigure: How Fish Shift Shape Dynamically and Evolutionarily to Modulate Swim-mediated Behaviors LONG, J.H.*; ROOT, R.G.; PORTER, M.E.; LIEW, C.W.; Vassar College; Lafayette College; Lafayette College; Vassar College Propulsion and maneuverability are driven by dynamic reconfigurations of body shape that are controlled, in part, by the mechanics of the […]