SCHULTZ, W. W.*; WEBB, P. W.*: Power requirements of swimming: Do new methods resolve the old questions? A recurring question in the study of fish biomechanics and energetics is the mechanical power required for swimming at the high speeds seen among aquatic vertebrates. The quest for answers has been driven by conceptual advances in fluid […]
sessions: S11
Merits and Implications of Travel by Swimming, Flight and Running for Animals of Different Sizes
ALEXANDER, R McN: Merits and Implications of Travel by Swimming, Flight and Running for Animals of Different Sizes Many measurements have been published of metabolic rates of animals walking, swimming or flying at different speeds. These have been used to derive allometric equations predicting the optimum speed and the metabolic rate at that speed for […]
Kinematics, Dynamics, Energetics, Performance, and Ecomorphology of Rowing and Flapping Propulsion
WALKER, J.A.; WESTNEAT, M.W.; SANDBERG, W.C.; RAMAMURTI, R.; ROSENBERGER, L.: Kinematics, Dynamics, Energetics, Performance, and Ecomorphology of Rowing and Flapping Propulsion A salient feature of fish locomotion is the wide diversity of both propulsors and the way these propulsors move and interact with the water to generate propulsive forces. What are the dynamic and energetic […]
Experimental Hydrodynamics and Evolution Function of Median Fins in Fishes
LAUDER, George V.*; DRUCKER, Eliot G.: Experimental Hydrodynamics and Evolution: Function of Median Fins in Fishes Two key structural trends characterizing the evolution of median fins in teleost fishes are (1) the transformation of the caudal fin from the plesiomorphic heterocercal condition to the derived homocercal morphology, and (2) the elaboration of the dorsal fin […]
Effects of Ambient Flow on Locomotion
KOEHL, Mimi/ A. R.: Effects of Ambient Flow on Locomotion Ambient currents and waves in marine habitats, and wind in terrestrial habitats, impose forces on organisms. The locomotory performance of organisms swimming in the water column, of animals flying or gliding in the air, and of creatures moving across the substratum is affected by these […]
Dynamics of Dolphin Porpoising Revisited
WEIHS, D.: Dynamics of Dolphin Porpoising Revisited Porpoising is the popular name for the high – speed motion of dolphin schools, in which long, ballistic jumps are alternated with sections of swimming close to the surface. The first analysis of this behavior (Au & Weihs, 1980) showed that above a certain “crossover” speed this behavior […]
Deconstructing the Aerodynamics of Insect Flight
DICKINSON, M.; BIRCH, J.; FRY, S.; SANE, S.: Deconstructing the Aerodynamics of Insect Flight. The purpose of this paper is to review recent research that has identified and isolated a series of different aerodynamic mechanisms that collectively account for the forces produced by flapping wings. These force components include: wing and added mass inertia, dynamic […]
Computational biological fluid dynamics digitizing and visualizing animal swimmign and flying
HAO, LIU: Computational biological fluid dynamics: digitizing and visualizing animal swimmign and flying We propose a new paradigm of simulation-based analysis of biological fluid phenomena, which is designed as an efficient means for predicting dynamics and energetics of animal swimming and flying. We highlight an integrated computational mechanical system we developed recently, involving descriptions of […]
Biologically inspired optimization algorithms for fluid dynamics
KOUMOUTSAKOS, Petros; MUELLER, Sibylle; WALTHER, Jens: Biologically inspired optimization algorithms for fluid dynamics For centuries, engineers have sought inspiration from nature in devising their creations. We are interested not only in developing systems based on natural creations (biomimetics) but also in developing algorithms for the systematic optimisation of engineering problems. We are developing optimisation strategies […]
Synaptic Adaptation to Thermal Stress
KARUNANITHI, Shanker; NEAL, Scott/J; BEST, Adrienne/G; WESTWOOD, J/Timothy; ATWOOD, Harold/L; Univ. of Toronto; Univ. of Toronto; Univ. of Toronto; Univ. of Toronto; Univ. of Toronto: Synaptic Adaptation to Thermal Stress In response to a prior heat shock, Drosophila glutamatergic synapses rapidly adapt to maintain function under heat stress. Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) was identified […]