Meeting Abstract S11-5 Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:30 Comparative approaches for ecological and neurobiological correlates of innovation AUDET, JN; Rockefeller University Field Research Center, Millbrook, NY In the wild, particularly in rapidly changing conditions, being capable of solving new problems can increase chances of survival. In the context of climate change, innovativeness is therefore undeniably […]
sessions: S11
Avian Spatial Navigation and the Hippocampus Can Diversity in Behavioral Mechanisms Guide Searches for a Genetics of Cognition
Meeting Abstract S11-11 Tuesday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 15:00 Avian Spatial Navigation and the Hippocampus: Can Diversity in Behavioral Mechanisms Guide Searches for a Genetics of Cognition? BINGMAN, V P; Bowling Green State University, Ohio Among the various forms of vertebrate cognition, spatial cognition and navigation appear universally dependent on the hippocampus of all tetrapods and […]
Wing architecture and maneuverability in bats a 3-D kinematic approach
SWARTZ, S.M.*; STOCKWELL, E.F.: Wing architecture and maneuverability in bats: a 3-D kinematic approach Both the flight capabilities and the wing structure of extant bats are diverse, and many studies have sought the morphological basis for bat flight performance, including maneuverability. Most analyses of the relationship between wing structure and flight maneuverability have selected descriptors […]
The structure and function of flight trajectories in freely-flying fruit flies
DICKINSON, M.H.: The structure and function of flight trajectories in freely-flying fruit flies. Without buoyancy or a solid horizontal plane for support, stability is of crucial importance to flying animals. Further, for animals that rely on spatially complex sensory cues for food search, mating, or predator avoidance, stability is required not only to keep the […]
Stability versus Maneuverability in Aquatic Locomotion
WEIHS, D.: Stability versus Maneuverability in Aquatic Locomotion The dictionary definition of stability as “Firmly established, not easily to be changed” immediately indicates the conflict between stability and maneuverability in aquatic locomotion. The present paper addresses several issues resulting from these opposing requirements. Classical stability theory for bodies moving in fluids is based on developments […]
Mechanisms for the control of posture and swimming trajectories of fishes
WEBB, P.W.: Mechanisms for the control of posture and swimming trajectories of fishes Fish with a high density ratio can achieve stability on the substratum. Morphological design criteria stabilizing station holding and maximizing current speeds displacing fish are well known, but optimal designs for all criteria are not possible. In the water column, fish are […]
Mechanisms for enhanced maneuverability in organisms of varying flexibility
FISH, F.E.: Mechanisms for enhanced maneuverability in organisms of varying flexibility Maneuverability with respect to turning is critical to the performance of fast swimming animals. Turning is effected by dynamic forces. For many aquatic animals, these forces are dominated by steady non-inertial forces including lift and drag. Animals can use an asymmetrically applied drag to […]
Mechanisms and Implications of Animal Flight Maneuverability
DUDLEY, R.: Mechanisms and Implications of Animal Flight Maneuverability The axial and torsional agility of flying animals derives from interactions between aerodynamic force production and the inertial resistance of the body to translation and rotation, respectively. Anatomical and allometric features of body design thus mediate the rapidity of aerial maneuvers. Both translational and rotational responsiveness […]
Maneuvering and Stability Performance of a Robotic Tuna
ANDERSON, J.M.*; CHHABRA, N.K.: Maneuvering and Stability Performance of a Robotic Tuna The Draper Laboratory Vorticity Control Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (VCUUV) is the first mission-scale, autonomous underwater vehicle which uses vorticity control propulsion and maneuvering. Built as a research platform with which to study the energetics and maneuvering performance of fish-swimming propulsion, the VCUUV is […]
Maneuvering Hydrodynamics of Fish and Small Underwater Vehicles
BANDYOPADHYAY, P.R.: Maneuvering Hydrodynamics of Fish and Small Underwater Vehicles The understanding of fish maneuvering and its application to underwater rigid bodies are considered. The goal is to gain insight into stealth. The recent progress made in NUWC is reviewed. Fish morphology suggests that control fins for good maneuverability have unique scalar relationships irrespective of […]