Meeting Abstract S11-7 Sunday, Jan. 7 13:30 – 14:00 Measuring biodiversity and extinction: can global patterns help the species discovery process? SIGWART, Julia D.; SIGWART, Julia; UC Berkeley; Queen’s University Belfast There are intrinsic mathematical patterns in nature. A Fibonacci sequence describes the arrangements of seeds in a sunflower and the spiral of a Nautilus […]
sessions: S11
Measuring and comparing extinction events reconsidering diversity crises and concepts
Meeting Abstract S11-2 Sunday, Jan. 7 09:00 – 09:30 Measuring and comparing extinction events: reconsidering diversity crises and concepts PADIAN, K; University of California, Berkeley Historically, most analyses of “mass extinctions” have focused on the marine realm, because most fossils are preserved there and marine sediments provide more and finer-scaled evidence of turnover and crises in […]
Intersection of Quaternary climate oscillations and the generation of biodiversity crucial or irrelevant
Meeting Abstract S11-1 Sunday, Jan. 7 08:30 – 09:00 Intersection of Quaternary climate oscillations and the generation of biodiversity: crucial or irrelevant? BENNETT, KD; University of St Andrews The last 2 million years (Quaternary period) have been a period of dramatic environmental change with major shifts in distributions and abundances of terrestrial and marine organisms. […]
Extinction, climate, and the dynamics of biodiversity Analyses of living and fossil marine bivalves
Meeting Abstract S11-3 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:30 Extinction, climate, and the dynamics of biodiversity: Analyses of living and fossil marine bivalves EDIE, SM*; COLLINS, KS; HUANG, S; ROY, K; VALENTINE, JW; JABLONSKI, D; U. of Chicago; U. of Chicago; Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center; U. of California, San Diego; U. of California, Berkeley; U. […]
Extinction of the hyperdiverse Hawaiian land snail fauna What remains and what are we doing to save it
Meeting Abstract S11-5 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:00 – 11:30 Extinction of the hyperdiverse Hawaiian land snail fauna: What remains and what are we doing to save it? YEUNG, NW*; HAYES, KA; Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu, HI; Howard University, Washington DC Plants and animals are under threat of extinction, primarily from human-mediated impacts to the planet. […]
Extensive uncharted biodiversity the parasite dimension
Meeting Abstract S11-8 Sunday, Jan. 7 14:00 – 14:30 Extensive uncharted biodiversity: the parasite dimension OKAMURA, B*; HARTIGAN, A; NALDONI, J; OKAMURA, Beth; Natural History Museum, London; Natural History Museum, London; Universidade Federal de São Paulo By their very nature, parasites are hidden and thus hard to sample. Consequently parasites are generally ignored in community […]
Blank Canvas The Case for Descriptive Taxonomy
Meeting Abstract S11-9 Sunday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 15:00 Blank Canvas: The Case for Descriptive Taxonomy WHEELER, QD; College of Environmental Science and Forestry DNA barcodes are a useful tool for identifying species, but are no substitute for descriptive taxonomy. We could turn all the paintings in the Louvre facing the wall, label the reverse of […]
21st Century Biological Nomenclature—the Power of Names
Meeting Abstract S11-10 Sunday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:30 21st Century Biological Nomenclature—the Power of Names WINSTON, J E; WINSTON, Judith; Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL Nomenclature and taxonomy are complementary aspects of the study of biodiversity. However, the two are often confused even by biologists. Taxonomy is the science of identifying, describing, and determining […]
Which line to follow The utility of different line-fitting methods to capture the mechanism of morphological scaling
Meeting Abstract S11-4 Monday, Jan. 7 10:00 – 10:30 Which line to follow? The utility of different line-fitting methods to capture the mechanism of morphological scaling SHINGLETON, AW; Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Bivariate morphological scaling relationships describe how the size of two traits co-varies among adults in a population. In as much as body […]
Sexual Selection and Static Allometry the Importance of Behavior and Function
Meeting Abstract S11-1 Monday, Jan. 7 08:00 – 08:30 Sexual Selection and Static Allometry: the Importance of Behavior and Function RODRIGUEZ, RL*; EBERHARD, WG; Biological Sciences, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; Escuela de Biología, Univ. de Costa Rica, Costa Rica; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama; and Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State Univ., USA Extreme trait […]