Meeting Abstract S11-3 Sunday, Jan. 8 09:00 – 09:30 From Many, One: Wiring the diverse distributed visual systems of fan worms BOK, MJ*; NILSSON, D-E; Lund Univerity; Lund Univerity Fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) posses a spectacular array of distributed compound eyes on their titular feeding tentacles. These eyes govern a startle response that allows the […]
sessions: S11
Eyes and vision in starfish
Meeting Abstract S11-4 Sunday, Jan. 8 10:00 – 10:30 Eyes and vision in starfish GARM, A*; PETIE, R; BEER, S; WENTZEL, C; HALL, M; Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark; Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark; Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark; Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark; Australian Institute of Marine Sciences For a long time starfish were thought to be mainly guided […]
Crustacean larvae – vision in the plankton
Meeting Abstract S11-10 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:30 – 15:00 Crustacean larvae – vision in the plankton CRONIN, T.W.*; LIN, C.; UMBC; UMBC Marine crustaceans frequently experience a complex life history. In most species, a series of distinct planktonic larval stages metamorphoses into an adult that may continue to be planktonic (e.g. copepods, euphausiids) or switch to […]
Colour and motion vision in a tetrachromatic butterfly
Meeting Abstract S11-9 Sunday, Jan. 8 14:00 – 14:30 Colour and motion vision in a tetrachromatic butterfly STEWART, Finlay J*; KINOSHITA, Michiyo; ARIKAWA, Kentaro; Sokendai, Hayama; Sokendai, Hayama; Sokendai, Hayama Visual motion is a particularly valuable cue for insects and other animals with poor spatial acuity, because optic flow provides a way to infer the […]
Celestial Navigation in Drosophila
Meeting Abstract S11-6 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:00 – 11:30 Celestial Navigation in Drosophila GIRALDO, Y.M.*; DICKINSON, M.H.; California Institute of Technology; California Institute of Technology Insects exhibit impressive navigational abilities, from long distance migrations of monarch butterflies to path integration of desert ants in the genus Cataglyphis. Celestial cues — including polarized light and solar position […]
Behavioural drive and performance continuity the why and how in eye evolution
Meeting Abstract S11-1 Sunday, Jan. 8 08:00 – 08:30 Behavioural drive and performance continuity: the why and how in eye evolution NILSSON, Dan-E.; Lund University, Lund, Sweden Simple roles for photoreception are likely to have preceded more demanding ones such as vision. The driving force behind this evolution is the improvement and elaboration of animal […]
Behavioural and neural adaptations in ants for navigating in dim light
Meeting Abstract S11-7 Sunday, Jan. 8 11:30 – 12:00 Behavioural and neural adaptations in ants for navigating in dim light NARENDRA, A*; KAMHI, JF; SHEEHAN, Z; Macquarie University, Sydney; Macquarie University, Sydney; Macquarie University, Sydney The phenomenon of niche differentiation has long been considered the basis for coexistence of competitors and as reflecting the way […]
A complex lens for a complex eye lens composition in diving beetle larval eyes
Meeting Abstract S11-11 Sunday, Jan. 8 15:00 – 15:30 A complex lens for a complex eye: lens composition in diving beetle larval eyes STAHL, Aaron; COOK, Tiffany A; BUSCHBECK, Elke K*; University of Cincinnati; Wayne State University; University of Cincinnati Complex visual function relies on the ability to properly focus light onto the retina. Arthropods exhibit […]
Speciation, extinction, and the assembly of global vertebrate diversity
Meeting Abstract S11-6 Sunday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 12:00 Speciation, extinction, and the assembly of global vertebrate diversity RABOSKY, Daniel L; University of Michigan Far more species of organisms are found in the tropics than in the Earth’s temperate and polar regions, but the evolutionary and ecological causes of this pattern remain controversial. I explore the […]
Modern and Ancient Plant Biodiversity what use are Pollen Grains
Meeting Abstract S11-4 Sunday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 11:00 Modern and Ancient Plant Biodiversity: what use are Pollen Grains? MANDER, L; The Open University Plants produce huge numbers of pollen grains as part of their reproductive cycle. Pollen grains are tough and widely dispersed and they also fossilise readily in a wide variety of environments. Consequently, […]