Transcriptomic approaches to host-pathogen-environment interactions for the American lobster Homarus americanus

Meeting Abstract S11-6  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:00  Transcriptomic approaches to host-pathogen-environment interactions for the American lobster Homarus americanus CLARK, K.F.*; GREENWOOD, S.J.; University of Prince Edward Island; University of Prince Edward Island The American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery is the most economically important commercial fishery in Canada. The health and sustainability of the lobster fishery is […]

Transcriptomic analysis of hepatopancreas tissue from families of farmed banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) that exhibit differing levels of hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus resistance

Meeting Abstract S11-7  Thursday, Jan. 7 11:30  Transcriptomic analysis of hepatopancreas tissue from families of farmed banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) that exhibit differing levels of hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus resistance. POWELL, D*; KNIBB, W; ELIZUR, A; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of the Sunshine Coast Viral pathogens pose a serious […]

Gill-specific salinity response in the blue crab and developing a comprehensive multi-species gill transcriptome

Meeting Abstract S11-9  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:00  Gill-specific salinity response in the blue crab and developing a comprehensive multi-species gill transcriptome HAVIRD, J.C.*; MITCHELL, R.T.; HENRY, R.P.; Colorado State University; MedStar Union Memorial Hospital; Auburn University The multi-functional crustacean gill acts as the primary site for regulation of many physiological processes that allow for the […]

Evolutionary physiology of euryhalinity and developmental transcriptomics in anchialine crustaceans

Meeting Abstract S11-11  Thursday, Jan. 7 15:00  Evolutionary physiology of euryhalinity and developmental transcriptomics in anchialine crustaceans SANTOS, Scott R.; Auburn University Technological advances in DNA sequencing such as Illumina’s Sequencing By Synthesis have made the generation and analyses of transcriptomes a rapid and economical endeavor across life. For crustaceans, characterizations of physiological or developmental […]

Ecdysteroid control of limb regeneration and growth in the fiddler crab Uca pugilator using transcriptomics

Meeting Abstract S11-4  Thursday, Jan. 7 10:00  Ecdysteroid control of limb regeneration and growth in the fiddler crab Uca pugilator using transcriptomics DURICA, D.S.*; DAS, S.; Univ. of Oklahoma A next generation sequencing approach was employed to study global gene expression patterns in three distinct stages of limb regeneration, and in blastemas with disrupted and […]

Analyses of crustacean peptidergic signaling systems using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing

Meeting Abstract S11-10  Thursday, Jan. 7 14:30  Analyses of crustacean peptidergic signaling systems using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing CHRISTIE, A.E.; University of Hawaii at Manoa Crustaceans have long played important roles in increasing our understanding of neuropeptidergic signaling. For example, the first invertebrate neuropeptide to be isolated and fully characterized was from a crustacean, and the […]

Alternative approaches to building transcriptomes can impact differential gene expression analyses in crustaceans exposed to high COsub2sub and low Osub2sub

Meeting Abstract S11-1  Thursday, Jan. 7 08:00  Alternative approaches to building transcriptomes can impact differential gene expression analyses in crustaceans exposed to high CO2 and low O2. JOHNSON, Jillian G.*; BURNETT, Louis E.; BURNETT, Karen G.; College of Charleston Aquatic crustaceans can experience hypoxia (low O2) and hypercapnic hypoxia (high CO2/low O2) both in the natural […]

Pathways Underlying Colour and Polarisation Processing in Stomatopods

Meeting Abstract S11-8  Sunday, Jan. 8 13:30 – 14:00  Pathways Underlying Colour and Polarisation Processing in Stomatopods THOEN, Hanne H.*; STRAUSFELD, Nicholas; MARSHALL, Justin; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; University of Arizona, Tucson, USA; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Stomatopods have one of the most complex visual systems amongst all invertebrates. Specialised photoreceptors are arranged in […]

Hawkmoths sacrifice spatial resolution to increase sensitivity in dim light

Meeting Abstract S11-5  Sunday, Jan. 8 10:30 – 11:00  Hawkmoths sacrifice spatial resolution to increase sensitivity in dim light. STöCKL, Anna*; O’CARROLL, David; WARRANT, Eric; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University The visual systems of many animals, particularly those active during the day, are optimised for high spatial resolution. However, at night, when photons are sparse […]

Function and evolution of the dispersed visual systems of bivalves and chitons

Meeting Abstract S11-2  Sunday, Jan. 8 08:30 – 09:00  Function and evolution of the dispersed visual systems of bivalves and chitons SPEISER, D.I.; University of South Carolina Compared to eyes that provide high spatial resolution (such as the paired cephalic eyes of many vertebrates, cephalopods, and arthropods), eyes that provide low spatial resolution have received […]

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