Meeting Abstract S11.2 Friday, Jan. 7 Directed aerial descent in canopy ants MUNK, Y*; YANOVIAK, S P; DUDLEY, R; UC Berkeley; University of Arkansas at Little Rock; UC Berkeley At least eight genera of tropical arboreal ants use directed aerial descent to return to their home tree trunk following a fall from the canopy. We presume […]
sessions: S11
Challenges of being a snake glider
Meeting Abstract S11.5 Friday, Jan. 7 Challenges of being a snake glider SOCHA, J.J.*; JAFARI, F.; VLACHOS, P.P.; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Although many cylindrical animals swim through water, flying snakes of the genus Chrysopelea are the only limbless animals that glide through air. Despite a lack of limbs, these snakes can actively take […]
Animal Aloft The Origins of Aerial Behavior
Meeting Abstract S11.1 Friday, Jan. 7 Animal Aloft: The Origins of Aerial Behavior DUDLEY, R.*; YANOVIAK, S.P.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Arkansas, Little Rock Diverse animal taxa exhibit remarkable aerial capacities, including jumping, parachuting, gliding, controlled maneuvers, and flapping flight. The origin of wings in hexapods and in three separate lineages of vertebrates (pterosaurs, […]
Aerodynamic performance of feathered dinosaurs
Meeting Abstract S11.9 Friday, Jan. 7 Aerodynamic performance of feathered dinosaurs KOEHL, M.*; EVANGELISTA, D.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley The evolution of flight in theropod dinosaurs, one lineage of which led to birds, is the subject of lively debate and speculation. Although earlier studies of these animals focused on lift and drag, […]
Aerial Righting Responses A Comparative Approach
Meeting Abstract S11.3 Friday, Jan. 7 Aerial Righting Responses: A Comparative Approach JUSUFI, A.*; ZENG, Y.; FULL, R.J.; DUDLEY, R.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Animals that fall upside down typically engage in an aerial righting response so as to reorient rightside up. This behavior can be preparatory to gliding or other aerial behaviors, and is ultimately […]
Active control of aerodynamic forces during gliding in flying squirrels
Meeting Abstract S11.8 Friday, Jan. 7 Active control of aerodynamic forces during gliding in flying squirrels BISHOP, K.L.; BAHLMAN, J.W.*; Florida International University; Brown University Early studies of gliding performance in mammals simplified aerodynamic analyses by assuming that the animals reached an equilibrium state in which there were no net accelerations on the body. In these […]
Understanding a crustacean’s masculinity Transcriptomics of the Eastern rock lobster
Meeting Abstract S11-8 Thursday, Jan. 7 13:30 Understanding a crustacean’s masculinity: Transcriptomics of the Eastern rock lobster CHANDLER, J.C*; AIZEN, J.; ELIZUR, A.; BATTAGLENE, S.C.; VENTURA, T.; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of Tasmania; University of the Sunshine Coast In the Eastern spiny lobster, […]
Transcriptomics of signaling gene networks controlling the activity of the crustacean molting gland
Meeting Abstract S11-5 Thursday, Jan. 7 10:30 Transcriptomics of signaling gene networks controlling the activity of the crustacean molting gland DAS, S*; DURICA, D.S.; MYKLES, D.L.; Colorado State University Next generation sequencing platforms and improved computational resources can be used to identify novel genes and pathways in a non-model organism. Although there are multiple resources available […]
Transcriptomics of diapause and lipid accumulation in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus
Meeting Abstract S11-3 Thursday, Jan. 7 09:00 Transcriptomics of diapause and lipid accumulation in the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus TARRANT, AM*; BAUMGARTNER, MF; LYSIAK, NSJ; HANSEN, BH; ALTIN, D; NORDTUG, T; OLSEN, AJ; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.; Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.; Boston Univ.; SINTEF; Biotrix; Norwegian Univ. Sci. Tech.; Norwegian Univ. Sci. Tech. The copepod […]
Transcriptomic response to environmental stress in porcelain crabs
Meeting Abstract S11-2 Thursday, Jan. 7 08:30 Transcriptomic response to environmental stress in porcelain crabs. ARMSTRONG, EJ*; STILLMAN, JH; San Francisco State Univ.; UC Berkeley; San Francisco State Univ.; UC Berkeley The intertidal zone is a dynamic environment where species zonate as a consequence of their relative tolerances to abiotic stress. In order to assess stress […]