What do genetic markers tell about sponge populations that we do not already know

W�RHEIDE, G; SOL�-CAVA, A M; GZG Geobiology, Univ. of G�ttingen, Germany; Inst. Biologia, Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: What do genetic markers tell about sponge populations that we do not already know? Molecular markers have transformed our understanding of processes acting at the population level in marine invertebrates, including sponges. Due to the high […]

The Diversity of Microbes Associated with Sponges New Approaches to an Old Mystery

ENTICKNAP, J.J.; PERAUD, O.; LOHR, J.E.; HAMANN, M.T.; HILL, R.T.*; Center of Marine Biotechology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute: The Diversity of Microbes Associated with Sponges: New Approaches to an Old Mystery It has long been known that sponges contain microbial symbionts and was demonstrated four decades ago that microbes can comprise 50% of the […]

Sponges as Chemical Factories

SHIRLEY A., Pomponi; Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Inc.: Sponges as Chemical Factories Marine sponges are known to produce thousands of biologically active natural products with potential as pharmaceuticals and other bioproducts. These secondary metabolites encompass a broad variety of chemical classes with bioactivity known to date in cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and infectious diseases. […]

Lipid biomarkers an unconventional approach to resolve sponge interclass relationships

THIEL, V.; W�RHEIDE, G.; BLUMENBERG, M.; PAPE, T.; MICHAELIS, W.; University of G�ttingen, Germany; University of G�ttingen, Germany; University of Hamburg, Germany; University of Hamburg, Germany; University of Hamburg, Germany: Lipid biomarkers: an unconventional approach to resolve sponge interclass relationships During the last decade, molecular techniques have contributed significantly to understanding sponge phylogeny. However, conflicting […]

Gastrulation in the calcareous sponge Sycon

LEYS, S.P.*; EERKES-MEDRANO, D.I.; The University of Alberta, AB; University of Victoria, BC: Gastrulation in the calcareous sponge Sycon Haeckel�s studies of development in the calcareous sponge Sycon (1872) led him to develop the �Gastraea Theory�, which proposes that during the development of all metazoans, including sponges, gastrulation occurs by invagination to produce a functional […]

Field Manipulations of Sponge Symbioses Differences Between Generalist and Host-Specific Cyanobacteria

THACKER, R.W.; University of Alabama, Birmingham: Field Manipulations of Sponge Symbioses: Differences Between Generalist and Host-Specific Cyanobacteria The marine sponges Lamellodysidea herbacea and L. chlorea contain large populations of the host-specific, filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spongeliae. Other marine sponges, including Xestospongia exigua, contain generalist, unicellular cyanobacteria, Synechococcus spp. Symbiotic cyanobacteria may benefit their host sponges by […]

Ecological and evolutionary roles of the larval stage of the porifera a new perspective

MALDONADO, Manuel; Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes: Ecological and evolutionary roles of the larval stage of the porifera: a new perspective The poriferan larva is often seen as an evolutionary acquisition of the sessile Porifera, needed for dispersal and selective settlement. This view contradicts the fact that sponge larvae are not known to have […]

The biogeography of Australian barnacles

Meeting Abstract S10-2.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  The biogeography of Australian barnacles JONES, D.S.; Western Australian Museum diana.jones@museum.wa.gov.au Two biogeographic provinces are distinguished for Australian waters, a northern tropical province and a southern temperate province. The barnacle fauna of the northern tropical province exhibits high species diversity, a high incidence of tropical species and a low species endemicity. […]

Life history and sexuality patterns in barnacles A theoretical perspective

Meeting Abstract S10-2.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  Life history and sexuality patterns in barnacles: A theoretical perspective YAMAGUCHI, S.*; SAWADA, K.; YUSA, Y.; Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka, Japan, JSPS; Grad. Univ. Adv. Stud. (SOKENDAI), Kanagawa, Japan; Nara Women’s Univ., Japan syamaguchi@bio-math10.biology.kyushu-u.ac.jp Darwin (1851) found that barnacles have three sexuality patterns: hermaphroditism, androdioecy (coexistence of hermaphrodites and males) and dioecy […]

Deep phylogeny and character evolution in the Thecostraca barnacles

Meeting Abstract S10-2.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  Deep phylogeny and character evolution in the Thecostraca barnacles PEREZ-LOSADA, M*; HOEG, JT; ACHITUV, Y; CRANDALL, KA; CIBIO, University of Porto, Portugal; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Bar Ilan University, Israel; Brigham Young University, USA mlosada323@gmail.com The Thecostraca is a highly advanced class of Crustacea. All have pelagic larvae and permanently sessile […]

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