The Ups and Downs in Using Subtractive Cloning Approaches to Isolate Regulated Genes

GOETZ, F.W.; Marine Biological Laboratory: The “Ups” and “Downs” in Using Subtractive Cloning Approaches to Isolate Regulated Genes Over the last decade, subtractive cloning approaches have been used extensively to isolate genes that are up- or down-regulated under various conditions. These techniques have provided the foundation for many subsequent studies concerning gene function and regulation […]

Social regulation of the brain New ways to discover the roles of status, sex and size

FERNALD, Russell D.; Stanford University, Stanford, CA: Social regulation of the brain: New ways to discover the roles of status, sex and size It is self evident that the brain controls behavior but can behavior also ‘control’ the brain? Recent evidence has revealed that social behavior can cause changes in certain brain structures of adult […]

Sex differences in the songbird brain using molecular tools to investigate brain sexual differentiation in a comparative model

CARRUTH, L.L.; ARNOLD, A.P.; Georgia State Univeristy; University of California, Los Angeles: Sex differences in the songbird brain: using molecular tools to investigate brain sexual differentiation in a comparative model Early in development, male and female brains diverge in their patterns of growth and differentiation, especially in brain regions involved in the control of behavior. […]

Microarrays and Brain Research

EVANS, SJ; WATSON, SJ; AKIL, H; University of Michigan; University of Michigan; University of Michigan: Microarrays and Brain Research DNA microarrays have become a popular tool to simultaneously profile the expression of thousands of transcripts in response to experimental manipulation or abnormal states of biological systems. However, neuroscience presents significant challenges to the use of […]

Microarray analysis of pheromone-mediated gene expression in the honey bee brain

GROZINGER*, Christina M.; ROBINSON, G.E.; University of Ilinois; University of Illinois: Microarray analysis of pheromone-mediated gene expression in the honey bee brain Pheromones regulate a wide variety of behaviors in both vertebrate and invertebrates. Honey bees are an established model organism to study pheromones: their highly complex society is predominantly regulated by chemical communication, and […]

The effect of immunity and seasonality on pattern of infection

CATTADORI, Isabella M; Penn State University: The effect of immunity and seasonality on pattern of infection Insight into the dynamics of parasite-host relationships of higher vertebrates requires an understanding of two important features: the nature of transmission and the development of acquired immunity in the host. We have examined the dynamics of infection of two […]

The Role of Arsenic in Modulating Innate Immunity in the Zebrafish

KIM, CH; University of Maine: The Role of Arsenic in Modulating Innate Immunity in the Zebrafish The innate immune response constitutes the first line of defense against invading pathogens and can be perturbed by environmental toxicants such as arsenic. Arsenic is a metalloid toxicant that is present in many toxic waste sites and can accumulate […]

The Immune System of Elasmobranch Fishes

WALSH, C.J.*; LUER, C.A.; BODINE, A.B.; LITMAN, G.W.; ANDERSON, M.K.; MIRACLE, A.L.; Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL; Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL; Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC; Univ. of South Florida Children’s Research Institute, St. Petersburg, FL; Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH: The Immune System of […]

The Dynamics of Immunocompetence and Climate Drivers in Coral Response to Disease

MYDLARZ, L.D.*; WARD, J.R.; HARVELL, C.D.; Cornell University; Cornell University; Cornell University: The Dynamics of Immunocompetence and Climate Drivers in Coral Response to Disease Coral reef ecosystems have sustained some of the most damaging effects of climate change. Despite demonstrated impacts and high mortality caused by temperature stress, little information exists on how variations in […]

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