Meeting Abstract S1-10 Saturday, Jan. 4 14:00 – 14:30 Diving deep: Mechanistic insights into the extreme physiology of Antarctic seals HINDLE, AG; University of Nevada Las Vegas Weddell seals are a deep-diving Antarctic species that have been the subject of many seminal studies on diving physiology and behavior. Isolated dive-hole experimental paradigms allowed physiological telemetry and […]
sessions: S1
Antarctic Microbial Interactions Revealed by Continuous Flow Incubation and Variable Rates of DMSP Supply
Meeting Abstract S1-7 Saturday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:30 Antarctic Microbial Interactions Revealed by Continuous Flow Incubation and Variable Rates of DMSP Supply COUNTWAY, PD*; MATRAI, PA; Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, Maine; Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, Maine Interactions between bacteria and protists drive ecosystem processes and contribute to the overall […]
Allies, Cheaters and Thieves Macroalgal-Mesograzer Interactions on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Meeting Abstract S1-2 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00 – 08:30 Allies, Cheaters and Thieves: Macroalgal-Mesograzer Interactions on the Western Antarctic Peninsula HEISER, S*; SHILLING, AJ; AMSLER, CD; MCCLINTOCK, JB; BAKER, BJ; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of South Florida ; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of South Florida Macroalgae dominate […]
Advances in the use of biogeochemical markers to track the diets and movement of Antarctic marine predators
Meeting Abstract S1-3 Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 09:00 Advances in the use of biogeochemical markers to track the diets and movement of Antarctic marine predators POLITO, MJ*; MICHELSON, CI; MCMAHON, KW; Louisiana State University; Louisiana State University; University of Rhode Island Quantifying the diets, foraging ecology, and at-sea distribution of wide-ranging marine predators is […]
Why do Desert Rodents Drum their Feet
RANDALL, J.A.: Why do Desert Rodents Drum their Feet? Vibrational signals are one of the more common modes of communication in rodents. Striking the feet on the ground to create mechanical vibrations seems to have evolved independently in several lineages of fossorial and semi-fossorial desert rodents on all continents except Australia. Footdrumming produces both substrate-borne […]
Vibrational communication and the ecology of group-living insects
COCROFT, R. B.: Vibrational communication and the ecology of group-living insects I will review the role of vibrational communication in group-living, herbivorous insects (not including eusocial insects). Social behavior in these taxa includes parental care of aggregated offspring, as well as grouping among cohorts of immatures or adults. I focus on the ways in which […]
Vibration and Animal Communication a Review
HILL, P.S.M.: Vibration and Animal Communication: a Review. Vibration through the substrate has likely been important to animals as a channel of communication for millions of years, but our literature on vibration in this context of biologically relevant information is a feature of essentially the last 30 years. Morphologists know that the jaw mechanism of […]
Vibration Sensitivity and Prey-localizing Behavior of Sand Scorpions
BROWNELL, P.H.*; VAN HEMMEN, J.L: Vibration Sensitivity and Prey-localizing Behavior of Sand Scorpions As burrowing, nocturnal predators of small arthropods, sand scorpions have evolved exquisite sensitivity to vibrational information that comes to them through the substrate they live on –dry sand. Over distances of a few decimeters, sand conducts low velocity (~50 m/sec) surface (Rayleigh) […]
Talking back sending soil vibration signals to lekking prairie mole cricket males
SHADLEY, J.R.*; HILL, P.S.M.: Talking back: sending soil vibration signals to lekking prairie mole cricket males. The prairie mole cricket, Gryllotalpa major, native of the tallgrass prairie of the south central U.S., is the largest North American cricket. A male constructs a specialized acoustic burrow in the spring in the prairie soil from which he […]