Meeting Abstract S1-1 Thursday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:30 Behavioural and cognitive ecology of predation risk assessment in a changing world FERRARI, Maud C.O.; University of Saskatchewan, Canada Almost all organisms on Earth live in environments that have been altered, often drastically, by humans, via habitat destruction, the spread of exotic species, pollution or climate […]
sessions: S1
Animal Communication and Species Interactions in a Changing World Consequences of noise pollution
Meeting Abstract S1-2 Thursday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 09:00 Animal Communication and Species Interactions in a Changing World: Consequences of noise pollution SWADDLE, John P; College of William and Mary Humans are changing the environment at unprecedented rates, which can put intense ecological and evolutionary pressures on wildlife. One of the most prevalent yet relatively […]
The evolution and adaptation of jellyfish in Precambrian oceans
Meeting Abstract S1-7 Thursday, Jan. 4 11:00 – 11:30 The evolution and adaptation of jellyfish in Precambrian oceans GOLD, DA; California Institute of Technology Molecular and geochemical data suggest that the first animals evolved during a period of climate instability and limited ocean oxygenation. The hypothesis that sea sponges—the simplest living animals—predate a uniformly oxygenated […]
The Temporal and Environmental Context of Early Animal Evolution
Meeting Abstract S1-3 Thursday, Jan. 4 08:30 – 09:00 The Temporal and Environmental Context of Early Animal Evolution SPERLING, EA*; SGP COLLABORATIVE TEAM, _; Stanford Univeristy; Stanford Univeristy Animals originated and evolved during one of the most unique times in Earth history—the Neoproterozoic Era. This talk aims to discuss 1) when landmark events in early […]
The Origin of Phyla—Insights From the Burgess Shale
Meeting Abstract S1-11 Thursday, Jan. 4 14:30 – 15:00 The Origin of Phyla—Insights From the Burgess Shale CARON, Jean-Bernard; Royal Ontario Museum, Canada The iconic 508 million-year-old Burgess Shale, famous for its exceptional preservation of a diverse community of soft-bodied marine organisms, was key to defining the concept of the Cambrian Explosion as a true biological […]
Revisiting gene content to resolve the phylogenetic position of ctenophores and sponges
Meeting Abstract S1-8 Thursday, Jan. 4 11:30 – 12:00 Revisiting gene content to resolve the phylogenetic position of ctenophores and sponges RYAN, JF*; HERNANDEZ, AM; SCHULTZ, DT; FRANCIS, WR; KOREN, S; SCHNITZLER, CE; MARTINDALE, MQ; HADDOCK, SHD; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, St Augustine, FL; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, St Augustine, FL; Monterey Bay Aquarium Research […]
Reconstructing The Genome Of The First Animal The Impact Of Novelty In The Origins Of Metazoans
Meeting Abstract S1-10 Thursday, Jan. 4 14:00 – 14:30 Reconstructing The Genome Of The First Animal: The Impact Of Novelty In The Origins Of Metazoans PAPS, J; University of Essex The Animal Kingdom displays a stunning diversity, result of millions of years of evolution. How did single cell microbes become animals with multiple cells? How […]
Pumping, Swimming and Visual Predation – a Fluid Dynamic View of Early Metazoan Evolution
Meeting Abstract S1-5 Thursday, Jan. 4 09:30 – 10:00 Pumping, Swimming and Visual Predation – a Fluid Dynamic View of Early Metazoan Evolution BUTTERFIELD, NJ; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Animals have an unparalleled capacity to pump and swim through water, but these hydrodynamic properties have been largely overlooked as a factor in early animal evolution. […]
Oxygen requirements of sponges and the origin of multicellular animals
Meeting Abstract S1-6 Thursday, Jan. 4 10:30 – 11:00 Oxygen requirements of sponges and the origin of multicellular animals LEYS, SP*; KAHN, AS; YAHEL, G; BANNISTER, RJ; Univ. of Alberta; Univ. of Alberta; Ruppin Academic Center; Institute of Marine Research The appearance of multicellular animals during the late Proterozoic Era is thought to have coincided with […]
Meeting Abstract S1-1 Thursday, Jan. 4 07:55 – 08:00 Introduction SPERLING, Erik A.*; KOCOT, Kevin M.; Stanford University; University of Alabama Introduction to symposium.