Voltage-gated potassium channels improve the energy efficiency of signalling in fly photoreceptors

Meeting Abstract S1-6  Monday, Jan. 4 11:00  Voltage-gated potassium channels improve the energy efficiency of signalling in fly photoreceptors NIVEN, J.E.; NIVEN, Jeremy; University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, UK J.E.Niven@sussex.ac.uk http://www.sussex.ac.uk/lifesci/nivenlab/index Nervous systems, neurons and neural circuits are under selective pressure to produce behaviour adapted to an animal’s environment but are also subject to energy costs. These […]

The neuroecology of avian chemical signaling Exploring potential molecular markers of self non-self recognition in a seabird model

Meeting Abstract S1-5  Monday, Jan. 4 10:30  The neuroecology of avian chemical signaling: Exploring potential molecular markers of self / non-self recognition in a seabird model NEVITT, Gaby *; HOOVER, Brian; EDWARDS, Scott; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Harvard University ganevitt@ucdavis.edu http://thenevittlab.org Chemical ecology of birds is a new and exciting area of research, […]

The influence of venom-induced pain on predatory behavior in the southern grasshopper mouse Onychomys torridus

Meeting Abstract S1-2  Monday, Jan. 4 08:30  The influence of venom-induced pain on predatory behavior in the southern grasshopper mouse Onychomys torridus ROWE, A.H.*; ROWE, M.P.; Michigan State University; Michigan State University roweashl@msu.edu Pain, though unpleasant, is adaptive in calling an animal’s attention to potential tissue damage. Many animals have evolved specialized sensory structures, including mammalian nociceptors, […]

Sensory integration by descending interneurons in the flying fruit fly

Meeting Abstract S1-9  Monday, Jan. 4 14:00  Sensory integration by descending interneurons in the flying fruit fly. SUVER, M.P.*; DICKINSON, M.H.; NYU Medical School; California Institute of Technology suver.marie@gmail.com A flying fly relies on many senses, including vision, olfaction, and mechanosensation, to navigate through the world and locate an attractive food source. How are these sensory signals […]

Plasticity, homeostasis, and evolution across timescales

Meeting Abstract S1-4  Monday, Jan. 4 10:00  Plasticity, homeostasis, and evolution across timescales HOKE, K.L.*; FISCHER, E.K.; GHALAMBOR, C.K.; STYNOSKI, J.L.; Colorado State University; Harvard University; Colorado State University; Colorado State University kim.hoke@colostate.edu A long-standing debate revolves around whether phenotypic plasticity facilitates or slows evolution in new environments, yet we largely lack empirical evidence about the relationship […]

New roles for fly mechanosensors

Meeting Abstract S1-3  Monday, Jan. 4 09:00  New roles for fly mechanosensors FOX, Jessica L.*; MURELI, Shwetha; KATHMAN, Nicholas D.; BAI, Brice; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University; Hathaway Brown School jlf88@case.edu The mechanisms by which sensory systems process information can change to meet specific behavioral and ecological demands. Often, behavioral […]

Neurecology and the olfactory basis of plant-pollinator interactions

Meeting Abstract S1-8  Monday, Jan. 4 13:30  Neurecology and the olfactory basis of plant-pollinator interactions RIFFELL, J.A.*; CLIFFORD, M.; LAHONDÈRE, C.; WOLFF, G.; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington jriffell@uw.edu Plant-pollinator interactions play profound roles in structuring ecological communities and populations. Pollinators use their sense of smell to locate flowers from long distances, but little […]

Love in the time of Cortisol Hormones mediate context-appropriate behaviors by modulating sensorimotor integration on multiple timescales

Meeting Abstract S1-10  Monday, Jan. 4 14:30  Love in the time of Cortisol: Hormones mediate context-appropriate behaviors by modulating sensorimotor integration on multiple timescales CODDINGTON, Emma J; Willamette University, Salem ecodding@willamette.edu One of the long-term goals of my research program is to identify and characterize the multiple rapid effects of steroid hormones on the neurons and neural […]

Keystone species and molecules of keystone significance

Meeting Abstract S1-1  Monday, Jan. 4 08:00  Keystone species and molecules of keystone significance ZIMMER, R.K.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles z@biology.ucla.edu Neuroecology unifies principles from diverse disciplines, scaling from biophysical properties of nerve and muscle cells to community- and system-wide consequences of biotic interactions. Here, these principles are used as a common fabric, woven from threads […]

Evolution of a Communication System by Sensory Exploitation of Startle Behavior

Meeting Abstract S1-11  Monday, Jan. 4 15:00  Evolution of a Communication System by Sensory Exploitation of Startle Behavior TER HOFSTEDE, Hannah M*; SCHöNEICH, Stefan; ROBILLARD, Tony; HEDWIG, Berthold; Dartmouth College, USA; University of Leipzig, Germany; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, France; University of Cambridge, UK Hannah.ter.Hofstede@Dartmouth.edu http://www.dartmouth.edu/~terhofstede/ New communication signals can evolve by sensory exploitation if signaling taps […]

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