Epigenetics in Ecotoxicology

Meeting Abstract S1.3-4  Saturday, Jan. 4 15:00  Epigenetics in Ecotoxicology HEAD, JA*; BASU, N; McGill University; McGill University niladri.basu@mcgill.ca An enormous amount of biomedical research has been focused on epigenetics in recent years. This wave is just beginning to hit the field of ecotoxicology, and the potential is exciting. The concepts behind epigenetics will generate ideas in […]

Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Development

Meeting Abstract S1.2-2  Saturday, Jan. 4 10:30  Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Development HO, D.H.; Georgia Regents University, Augusta dho@gru.edu The field of epigenetics has gained much attention in the past few decades due to the fact that, in many instances, epigenetic processes outweigh direct genetic processes in the manifestation of aberrant phenotypes. Maternal effects, or the influences of […]

Epigenetics and Species Divergence

Meeting Abstract S1.3-1  Saturday, Jan. 4 13:30  Epigenetics and Species Divergence KELLER, TE; ZENG, J; MENDIZABAL, I; YI, SV*; Georgia Institute of Technology soojinyi@gatech.edu An important aspect of epigenetic inheritance is its pliability in response to changing signals from cellular environments. As such epigenetic modifications exhibit developmental- and cell type specific patterns that may underlie differentiation as […]

Epigenetics and Organismal Biology

Meeting Abstract S1.1-1  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00  Epigenetics and Organismal Biology BURGGREN, W. W.; University of North Texas burggren@unt.edu Epigenetics as a focus for biological studies has increasing exponentially over the decades since the introduction of this concept by Conrad H. Waddington in 1942. Yet, the broad incorporation of epigenetic theory and practice into experimental paradigms for […]

Epigenetic memory of winter by plants

Meeting Abstract S1.3-3  Saturday, Jan. 4 14:30  Epigenetic memory of winter by plants SUNG, SIBUM; Univ. of Texas, Austin sbsung@austin.utexas.edu In a model plant species Arabidopsis, one of key determinants for flowering time is a MADS-box floral repressor, FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). FLC is silenced after a sufficient period of winter cold has been perceived (known as […]

Epigenetic Synthesis, or How Environmental Contamination Has Changed the Course of Evolution

Meeting Abstract S1.2-1  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:30  Epigenetic Synthesis, or How Environmental Contamination Has Changed the Course of Evolution CREWS, David; University of Texas at Austin crews@mail.utexas.edu Evolutionary theory accounts for the process of change in life forms. It has had two epochs. The first, Darwinian evolution, established the principle of change through selection. The second, the […]

Epigenetic Responses in Caenorhabditis elegans

Meeting Abstract S1.1-3  Saturday, Jan. 4 09:00  Epigenetic Responses in Caenorhabditis elegans PADILLA, Pamela*; GARCIA, Anastasia; LADAGE, Mary; TONI, Lee; University of North Texas; University of North Texas; University of North Texas; University of North Texas pamela.padilla@unt.edu Inheritance and phenotypic traits are regulated by genotype and epigenetic mechanisms. Through the analysis of various genetic model systems many […]

Epigenetic Mechanisms and Environmental Signals

Meeting Abstract S1.1-2  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:30  Epigenetic Mechanisms and Environmental Signals SOLIMAN, Karam F; Florida A&M University karam.soliman@famu.edu Exposure to specific environmental conditions can alter the epigenome, as the control mechanism of genomic DNA expression, and can lead to long-term phenotypic consequences as certain chronic diseases. These epigenetic changes are plastic and can be altered at […]

Dynamics of DNA methylation in continuous trait variation, seasonal change, and social environment

Meeting Abstract S1.2-3  Saturday, Jan. 4 11:00  Dynamics of DNA methylation in continuous trait variation, seasonal change, and social environment. ALVARADO, S*; SZYF, M; RAJAKUMAR, R; STOREY, KB; ABOUHEIF, E; FERNALD, R; Stanford University, Palo Alto; McGill University, Montreal; McGill University, Montreal; Carleton University, Ottawa; McGill University, Montreal; Stanford University, Palo Alto salvarad@stanford.edu All animals have developed […]

Simulating the evolution of maximal and optimal speeds

Meeting Abstract S1.7  Sunday, Jan. 4 11:30  Simulating the evolution of maximal and optimal speeds CESPEDES, Ann M.*; LAILVAUX, Simon P.; University of New Orleans acespede@uno.edu Maximal whole-organism performance traits measured in the laboratory and expressed levels of performance in the field often exhibit a mismatch, complicating our understanding of the selection pressures influencing the evolution of […]

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