Meeting Abstract S1-3.15 Jan. 5 Innate preferences for flower motion dynamics in the hovering hawkmoth Manduca sexta SPRAYBERRY, Jordanna D. H.*; SUVER, Marie; Univ. of Arizona, Tucson; Univ. of Washington, Seattle Hawkmoths are hovering feeders that meet the challenge of flower motions by exhibiting a compensatory tracking behavior. Previous work has shown this tracking behavior to […]
sessions: S1-3
Frictional Adhesion of Natural and Synthetic Gecko Setal Arrays
Meeting Abstract S1-3.4 Jan. 5 Frictional Adhesion of Natural and Synthetic Gecko Setal Arrays AUTUMN, K*; GRAVISH, N; WILKINSON, M; SANTOS, D; SPENKO, M; CUTKOSKY, M; Lewis & Clark College; Lewis & Clark College; Lewis & Clark College; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University Gecko toes are adhesive only when dragged in shear away from their […]
Effects of Leg Number and Posture for a Class of Simple Three-dimensional Point-mass Running Models
Meeting Abstract S1-3.12 Jan. 5 Effects of Leg Number and Posture for a Class of Simple Three-dimensional Point-mass Running Models SEIPEL, J.*; FULL, R.J.; HOLMES, P.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Princeton Univ. Many legged animals produce similar net ground reaction forces during steady running – like an idealized point-mass pogo-stick. The simple […]
Effect of Rewriting the Neural Code to Muscles in Running and Stationary Insects
Meeting Abstract S1-3.10 Jan. 5 Effect of Rewriting the Neural Code to Muscles in Running and Stationary Insects. SPONBERG, S.*; SPENCE, A.; MULLENS, C.; FULL, R. J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley While recent studies on isolated muscles discovered that single muscles can perform a variety of functions, we lack an understanding of how motor activation patterns […]
Bipedal Running No muscle work and all tendon play is energetically beneficial even with an energy cost for isometric force production
Meeting Abstract S1-3.14 Jan. 5 Bipedal Running: “No muscle work and all tendon play” is energetically beneficial even with an energy cost for isometric force production. SRINIVASAN, Manoj; Princeton University, Princeton Muscles consume energy whether or not they perform work, as long as they exert a force while active. An energy-economizing animal will presumably minimize its […]
Active Tail Stabilizes Rapid Vertical Running in Geckos
Meeting Abstract S1-3.1 Jan. 5 Active Tail Stabilizes Rapid Vertical Running in Geckos JUSUFI, A.**; GOLDMAN, D.I.; FULL, R.J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Animals running vertically must respond rapidly to gaps, obstacles and slippery surfaces to negotiate complex scansorial terrains. We challenged geckos (Cosymbotus platyurus; n=7) with three vertical surfaces that produced different degrees of foot […]
Vision versus electrosense Mechanics and sensing in prey capture behavior in larval zebrafish compared to electric knifefish
Meeting Abstract S1-3.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Vision versus electrosense: Mechanics and sensing in prey capture behavior in larval zebrafish compared to electric knifefish PATTERSON, B.W.; ABRAHAM, A.; MCLEAN, D.; PATANKAR, N.A.; MACIVER, M.A.*; Northwestern University We have collected motion capture data on a non-visual hunter, the weakly electric knifefish (Apteronotus albifrons) as well as a visual […]
The sensory cues for predator evasion in fish
Meeting Abstract S1-3.2 Friday, Jan. 4 The sensory cues for predator evasion in fish STEWART, WJ*; NAIR, AM; MCHENRY, MJ; Univ. of California, Irvine Prey fish can survive an encounter with a predator fish by detecting the predator’s approach and quickly responding with an evasive maneuver. While the ability to detect predator attacks is critical for […]
Sessile predators and motile prey the effects of turbulence and wavy flow on benthic predator-prey interactions
Meeting Abstract S1-3.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Sessile predators and motile prey: the effects of turbulence and wavy flow on benthic predator-prey interactions ROBINSON, H.E.*; KOEHL, M.A.R.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Suspension feeders are important components of bottom-dwelling marine communities. Passive suspension feeders that do not generate feeding currents are dependent on surrounding flow to deliver particles […]
Attack or attacked The sensory and fluid mechanical constraints of copepod predator-prey interactions
Meeting Abstract S1-3.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Attack or attacked: The sensory and fluid mechanical constraints of copepod predator-prey interactions KIøRBOE, Thomas; Technical University of Denmark Most animals are both predators and prey. This dual position represents a fundamental dilemma because gathering food often leads to increased exposure to predators. The optimization of the trade-off between eating […]