Mechanisms underlying the evolution of schooling behavior in sticklebacks

Meeting Abstract S1-2.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Mechanisms underlying the evolution of schooling behavior in sticklebacks GREENWOOD, A.K.*; WARK, A.R.; PEICHEL, C.L.; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Schooling behavior is a strategy commonly used by fishes for predator avoidance. Like other social grouping behaviors, schooling has numerous benefits for participants, such as increased vigilance and predator confusion. […]

Computational analysis of hummingbird flight

Meeting Abstract S1-2.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Computational analysis of hummingbird flight ALTSHULER, D.L.*; SEGRE, P.S.; STRAW, A.D.; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; Institute for Molecular Pathology A central challenge to the study of maneuverability is complexity because animal movement occurs with coordination of multiple rotational and translational degrees of freedom, each with complicated […]

What is fast

Meeting Abstract S1-2.4  Friday, Jan. 4  What is fast? PATEK, S. N.*; DEVRIES, M. S.; MURPHY, E.A.K.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of California Berkeley; University of Virginia Predators are often assumed to be the fastest organisms and being fast is typically associated with speed. However, the notion of fast involves multiple kinematic parameters, such as […]

The role of identity in predator-prey interactions Are mechanics and strategy one-size-fits-all or tailored to each adversary

Meeting Abstract S1-2.2  Friday, Jan. 4  The role of identity in predator-prey interactions: Are mechanics and strategy one-size-fits-all or tailored to each adversary? COMBES, SA*; IWASAKI, JM; PANDIT, MM; SWITZER, CM; WEILAND, TJ; Harvard Univ; Univ Otago, NZ; Indiana Univ; Harvard Univ; Middlebury Coll The dynamics of predator-prey interactions vary enormously, depending on the substrate/medium in […]

Suction feeding mechanics and hydrodynamics in fishes

Meeting Abstract S1-2.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Suction feeding mechanics and hydrodynamics in fishes HOLZMAN, Roi; Tel Aviv University Predation by fish is a major ecological force in aquatic ecosystems, with fish targeting prey from diverse functional groups and taxonomic affiliations. This remarkable trophic diversity presumably underlies the diversity of skull morphologies and predatory behaviors in fishes. […]

Escape responses in fishes

Meeting Abstract S1-2.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Escape responses in fishes DOMENICI, P; CNR- National Research Council, Oristano, Italy The escape response is a common anti-predator behaviour observed in most animal species. Fish escape responses have long been considered all-or-none, stereotypic responses. However, recent work has shown that the kinematics and timing of fish escape responses are […]

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