Going with the flow rheotaxis and station holding in the shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata)

Meeting Abstract S1-2.9  Jan. 4  Going with the flow: rheotaxis and station holding in the shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata). VAN TRUMP, W.J.; Univ. of California, Irvine wvantrum@uci.edu Shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata) contend with the fast and rapidly changing currents of an intertidal environment. The aim of the present study was to determine the functional role of the […]

Fish schooling 3D kinematics and hydrodynamics

Meeting Abstract S1-2.6  Jan. 4  Fish schooling: 3D kinematics and hydrodynamics HANKE, W.*; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University, Cambridge; Harvard University, Cambridge whanke@oeb.harvard.edu Fish can aggregate to groups generally termed �shoals�. In case of polarized and synchronized swimming behaviour, these special shoals are termed �schools�. Aggregating into groups can have various advantages for fish, including energy saving due […]

Finfull thoughts does pelvic oscillation influence anal fin action in fishes

Meeting Abstract S1-2.3  Jan. 4  Finfull thoughts: does pelvic oscillation influence anal fin action in fishes? STANDEN, E.M.; Harvard University standen@fas.harvard.edu Fish must balance torques around their centre of mass to control their body position. Recent kinematic and hydrodynamic studies on trout median fins show that dorsal and anal fins in trout appear to produce forces that […]

Escaping fishes experimental hydrodynamics of wake flow patterns

Meeting Abstract S1-2.1  Jan. 4  Escaping fishes: experimental hydrodynamics of wake flow patterns TYTELL, E. D.; LAUDER, G. V.*; Harvard University; Harvard University glauder@oeb.harvard.edu Despite a vast literature on the kinematics, mechanics, and neural control of c-start escape responses in fishes, no study has yet examined the hydrodynamic effect of fish body motion on the fluid environment. […]

The Thyroid-Gonad axis Insights on a novel mechanism of communication in the American Alligator

Meeting Abstract S1-2.2  Thursday, Jan. 3  The Thyroid-Gonad axis: Insights on a novel mechanism of communication in the American Alligator BERMUDEZ, DS*; GUILLETTE, LJ; University of Florida dieldrich@gmail.com Thyroid hormones are known to have a cooperative role in gonadal development and function. There is a growing body of work demonstrating that thyroid hormones play a crucial role […]

Moving towards many-marker datasets progress and challenges for turtle phylogenetics

Meeting Abstract S1-2.3  Thursday, Jan. 3  Moving towards many-marker datasets: progress and challenges for turtle phylogenetics THOMSON, R.C.*; SHAFFER, H.B.; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis rcthomson@ucdavis.edu The field of systematics has seen rapid progress in applying molecular tools to the study of phylogeny, both at the species level and at deeper nodes in the […]

Exploiting Genomic Resources in Studies of Speciation and Adaptive Radiation of Anolis Lizards

Meeting Abstract S1-2.1  Thursday, Jan. 3  Exploiting Genomic Resources in Studies of Speciation and Adaptive Radiation of Anolis Lizards. SCHNEIDER, Christopher; Boston University cschneid@bu.edu Lizards of the genus Anolis have radiated extensively within and among islands in the Caribbean. Here I provide a prospectus and preliminary data on the genetics of features important in anoline diversification and […]

Evolution of the gene regulatory network underlying sexual differentiation in turtles with alternative sex determining mechanisms

Meeting Abstract S1-2.4  Thursday, Jan. 3  Evolution of the gene regulatory network underlying sexual differentiation in turtles with alternative sex determining mechanisms NICOLE, Valenzuela; Iowa State University nvalenzu@iastate.edu The evolution of sex determining mechanisms has fascinated biologists and laymen alike. Sex determination has paramount consequences for the evolution of a multitude of traits, from sex allocation to […]

Using high-resolution acoustic tags to determine the kinematics and maneuverability of the world’s largest whales

Meeting Abstract S1-2.4  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Using high-resolution acoustic tags to determine the kinematics and maneuverability of the world’s largest whales. GOLDBOGEN, Jeremy; Cascadia Research Collective jgoldbogen@gmail.com The advent of digital tags has revolutionized the study of animal movement in their natural environment, particularly for cetaceans which are difficult to study in both the lab and the […]

Recent insights from entomological radar studies of high-altitude insect migration

Meeting Abstract S1-2.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Recent insights from entomological radar studies of high-altitude insect migration CHAPMAN, J.W.; Rothamsted Research, UK jason.chapman@rothamsted.ac.uk Billions of insects migrate between winter and summer ranges to take advantage of seasonally available breeding resources. To cover the distances required (100s km), many insects rely on wind assistance, and routinely ascend 100s m […]

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