The Metabolic and Cardiovascular Response of Central Texas Pulmonate Snails to Acute and Chronic Warming Events

Meeting Abstract P3-119  Monday, Jan. 6  The Metabolic and Cardiovascular Response of Central Texas Pulmonate Snails to Acute and Chronic Warming Events PORRAS, ND*; CULVERHOUSE, EK; TATE, KB; Texas Lutheran University ; Texas Lutheran University ; Texas Lutheran University We explored the response of two physiological parameters, metabolic rate (VO2) and heart rate (HR), in two […]

The Introduction of Commonly Used Pesticides and Their Effect on the Immunological Function of Honeybees

Meeting Abstract P3-49  Monday, Jan. 6  The Introduction of Commonly Used Pesticides and Their Effect on the Immunological Function of Honeybees BAEZA, K*; RANCHOD, P; STEFFENSON, M; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a current phenomenon which is causing rapid declines in honeybee populations. While researchers have yet […]

The Influence of Habitat Type on the Reproductive Success of Brush Mice (Peromyscus boylii)

Meeting Abstract P3-59  Monday, Jan. 6  The Influence of Habitat Type on the Reproductive Success of Brush Mice (Peromyscus boylii) STROM, MK*; MABRY, KE; New Mexico State University; New Mexico State University Population size and density are common metrics used to describe the population dynamics of a species. However, reproductive output and adult survival can be […]

The Hydrodynamic Effects of Pectoral Fins Attached to Back of the Skull in Extinct Cartilaginous Fishes (Iniopterygians)

Meeting Abstract P3-250  Monday, Jan. 6  The Hydrodynamic Effects of Pectoral Fins Attached to Back of the Skull in Extinct Cartilaginous Fishes (Iniopterygians) SAJDAH-BEY, N*; WYMAN, J; SRINIVAS, A; SALLAN, L; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA ; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA ; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA ; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Most fishes […]

The Effects of Oil and PAH Exposure on Swim Bladder Development and Function

Meeting Abstract P3-3  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effects of Oil and PAH Exposure on Swim Bladder Development and Function PRICE, ER*; MAGER, EM; University of North Texas; University of North Texas Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the major toxic component of petrochemicals. PAH exposure causes a syndrome of abnormalities, many of which are downstream sequelae of […]

The Effects of Eccentric Resistance Training on History-Dependent and Elastic Properties of Skeletal Muscles from Mice

Meeting Abstract P3-108  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effects of Eccentric Resistance Training on History-Dependent and Elastic Properties of Skeletal Muscles from Mice WEISS, A*; LAU, B; SPANIAC, M; MONROY, JA; Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA The purpose of this study was to determine whether five weeks of eccentric resistance training in mice leads to an increase in […]

The Effect of Substrate on Terrestrial Locomotion in Lepidosiren paradoxa, the South American Lungfish, Informs the Water-to-Land Transition

Meeting Abstract P3-137  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effect of Substrate on Terrestrial Locomotion in Lepidosiren paradoxa, the South American Lungfish, Informs the Water-to-Land Transition REDMANN, E*; WARD, AB; Adelphi University; Adelphi University The transition of life onto land was a pivotal moment in evolutionary history. In order to better understand this important event, we can look […]

The Effect of Shell Shape on Burrowing Dynamics in Granular Media

Meeting Abstract P3-136  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effect of Shell Shape on Burrowing Dynamics in Granular Media TREERS, LK*; STUART, H; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley The dynamics of burrowing and locomotion within granular media by legged invertebrates is extremely complex. The forces experienced by organisms are governed by substrate properties, the path […]

The Effect of Colony Relocation Stress on Honeybee Immunity

Meeting Abstract P3-45  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effect of Colony Relocation Stress on Honeybee Immunity WEIER, D*; RANCHOD, P; STEFFENSON , M; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University Honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations have been reported to be in decline, the cause of which is not fully known or understood, but the phenomenon has […]

The Effect of Arginine Vasotocin on Competitive Behavior in Hyla chrysoscelis

Meeting Abstract P3-34  Monday, Jan. 6  The Effect of Arginine Vasotocin on Competitive Behavior in Hyla chrysoscelis CLAPP, N*; REICHERT, M; CLAPP, Nicole; Oklahoma State University Hormones play an important role in animal social behavior, including competitive behaviors. Previous studies demonstrate that the hormone Arginine Vasotocin (AVT) modulates the calling behavior of different frog species. Male […]

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