Temporal Memory Modulates Olfactory Search in Drosophila

Meeting Abstract P2-131  Sunday, Jan. 5  Temporal Memory Modulates Olfactory Search in Drosophila DUGAN, Z; VAN BREUGEL, F*; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno zduganashlock@gmail.com https://florisvanbreugel.com Efficiently searching natural environments for food, mates, and nesting sites is critical to the survival of all moving organisms. Since most habitats are a mixture of patches that have […]

Temperature-Induced Viscosity Changes of the Insect Pad Secretion

Meeting Abstract P2-185  Sunday, Jan. 5  Temperature-Induced Viscosity Changes of the Insect Pad Secretion KAIMAKI, D-M*; ATTIPOE, AEL; STOUKIDI, MN; LABONTE, D; Imperial College London; Imperial College London; Imperial College London; Imperial College London domna-maria.kaimaki@ic.ac.uk http://evo-biomech.ic.ac.uk/ Many insects use adhesive footpads to climb on plants. These pads are covered by a thin liquid film, hypothesised to aid […]

Tail Wagging or Fin Flapping Alternative Locomotor Strategies Drive Body and Fin Shape Evolution in the Surgeonfishes

Meeting Abstract P2-38  Sunday, Jan. 5  Tail Wagging or Fin Flapping? Alternative Locomotor Strategies Drive Body and Fin Shape Evolution in the Surgeonfishes FARJO, MN*; GEORGE, AB; WESTNEAT, MW; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago mfarjo@uchicago.edu The evolution of morphological traits in reef fish can provide insight into their ecology and biomechanics. The Acanthuridae […]

Synergistic Effects of UVA and UVB Radiation on Moon Jellyfish Proliferation and Potential Coping Mechanisms

Meeting Abstract P2-7  Sunday, Jan. 5  Synergistic Effects of UVA and UVB Radiation on Moon Jellyfish Proliferation and Potential Coping Mechanisms JOHNSON, LE*; TREIBLE, LM; Trinity University; Georgia Southern University ljohnso6@trinity.edu Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) composed of ultraviolet A (UVA: 320-400 nm) and ultraviolet B (UVB: 280-320 nm) can penetrate up to 30 m into the water column. […]

Survivability and Reproduction in Daphnia, Copepods, and Ostracods Under Changing Salinities

Meeting Abstract P2-11  Sunday, Jan. 5  Survivability and Reproduction in Daphnia, Copepods, and Ostracods Under Changing Salinities BREEN, CJ*; CAHILL, AE; Albion College; Albion College cjb20@albion.edu Michigans’s inland salt marshes are a very rare habitat in North America, and little is known about the invertebrates that live there. To gain a better understanding of the adaptations necessary […]

Sure-Footed in Slippery Situations Underwater Grip with Otter Paws

Meeting Abstract P2-184  Sunday, Jan. 5  Sure-Footed in Slippery Situations: Underwater Grip with Otter Paws SELEB, B*; THATCHER, M; LIEB, J; NOEL, A; SELEB, Ben; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology ; Georgia Tech Research Institute bseleb3@gatech.edu The North American river otter must traverse slippery, bio-fouled rocks in rivers and streams […]

Stress, Asymmetry, and Evolutionary Change in a Population of Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with Respect to a Novel Predator

Meeting Abstract P2-48  Sunday, Jan. 5  Stress, Asymmetry, and Evolutionary Change in a Population of Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) with Respect to a Novel Predator MCHUGH , K/A*; STEVENS, D/R; BAKER, J/A; FOSTER, S; Clark University ; kmchugh@clarku.edu As environments across the globe change at unprecedented rates, organisms must cope with these changes. The primary evolutionary mechanisms […]

Stick and Run Locomotor Behavior of Tokay Geckos on Wet and Dry Substrates

Meeting Abstract P2-188  Sunday, Jan. 5  Stick and Run: Locomotor Behavior of Tokay Geckos on Wet and Dry Substrates BOGACKI, EC*; RINGENWALD, BE; STARK, AY; Villanova University; Villanova University; Villanova University ebogacki@villanova.edu Tokay geckos (Gekko gecko) have been a focal point for adhesion research for the past several decades; studied intensively due to the remarkable capabilities of […]

Species delimitation, phylogeography, and morphology of the North American Mapleleaf (Quadrula) freshwater mussels (Bivalvia Unionidae)

Meeting Abstract P2-25  Sunday, Jan. 5  Species delimitation, phylogeography, and morphology of the North American Mapleleaf (Quadrula) freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) KEOGH, SM*; SIETMAN, BE; JOHNSON, NA; SMITH, CH; RANDKLEV, CR; HARRIS, JL; SIMONS, AM; University of Minnesota; MN Depart Nat Resources; US Geological Survey; Baylor University; Texas A&M ; Arkansas State University; University of Minnesota keogh026@umn.edu […]

Solanum plastisexum, an enigmatic new bush tomato from the Australian Monsoon Tropics exhibiting breeding system fluidity

Meeting Abstract P2-22  Sunday, Jan. 5  Solanum plastisexum, an enigmatic new bush tomato from the Australian Monsoon Tropics exhibiting breeding system fluidity. MCDONNELL, AJ; WETREICH, H; CANTLEY, JC; JOBSON, P; MARTINE, CT*; Chicago Botanic Garden; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA; San Francisco State University, CA; Northern Territory Herbarium, Alice Springs; Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA ctm015@bucknell.edu https://phytokeys.pensoft.net/article/33526/ An Australian […]

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