A keratin-like gastropod biomaterial used to clarify the mechanical models of keratin

RAPOPORT, H.S.*; SHADWICK, R.E.: A keratin-like gastropod biomaterial used to clarify the mechanical models of keratin &alpha-keratin fibers exhibit fairly interesting mechanical properties with a fully recoverable region of apparent failure (as evidenced by an order-of-magnitude decrease in elastic modulus) at strains on the order of 2%-5%. For the past 30+ years, variations of models […]

A comparison of cold tolerance of Hawaiian Drosophila populations

DOHM, M.R.*; MOORE, S.L.; MUIR, C.C.; REZA, A.M.; PRICE, D.K.; MAUTZ, W.J.: A comparison of cold tolerance of Hawaiian Drosophila populations Hawaiian picture-winged Drosophila generally are found at elevations above 1000 m on wet, volcanic slopes. At these elevations, nighttime temperatures can drop below 10 C. With increasing degradation of suitable habitat at lower elevations, […]

A comparative field study of the effects of habitat structure on the preferred speeds of Anolis lizards on South Bimini, Bahamas

MATTINGLY, W.B.*; MATTINGLY, A.R.; JAYNE, B.C.: A comparative field study of the effects of habitat structure on the preferred speeds of Anolis lizards on South Bimini, Bahamas Although lizards have been a model system for lab studies of maximal locomotor performance, field data concerning the effects of habitat structure on preferred speeds are largely lacking. […]

A born sucker The pipid frog, Hymenochirus boettgeri as a model suction feeder

DEAN, M/N: A born sucker: The pipid frog, Hymenochirus boettgeri as a model suction feeder Vertebrate feeding systems are diverse and exhibit extreme variation in form and function. Despite this phenotypic breadth, convergent acquisitions of functionally analogous systems are seen across taxa. These can be driven by the medium (air or water) in which the […]

A Comparative Analysis of Protein Thermal Stability in Porcelain Crabs

STILLMAN, J.H.; SOMERO, G.N.: A Comparative Analysis of Protein Thermal Stability in Porcelain Crabs Kinetic properties of enzymes typically correlate with environmental temperatures in species adapted to different temperatures, but correlation between adaptation temperature and enzyme thermal stability is less clear. Although enzyme thermal stability is related chiefly to primary structure, thermal stability can also […]

Urea Uptake Rates Respond to Changing Food Concentrations in Urea-Resistant and Susceptible Drosophila Populations

PIERCE, V.A.; MANGOGNA, J.; College of Staten Island/CUNY, NY: Urea Uptake Rates Respond to Changing Food Concentrations in Urea-Resistant and Susceptible Drosophila Populations We are using laboratory-selected D. melanogaster populations to investigate physiological mechanisms of toxin resistance. Larvae from replicate fly populations selected for resistance to 300 mM urea take up urea more slowly during […]

Ultrastructural Analysis of Drosophila NSF Mutants with Impaired Synaptic Transmission

BAJEC, MR*; PEARCE, J; STEWART, BA; Div. of Life Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough; Div. of Life Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough; Div. of Life Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough: Ultrastructural Analysis of Drosophila NSF Mutants with Impaired Synaptic Transmission A key molecule regulating neurotransmitter secretion is the ATPase, n-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion […]

Tracing relationships in the Gryllotalpidae

HILL, Peggy S M; HOFFART, Cara; BUCHHEIM, Mark; Univ. of Tulsa: Tracing relationships in the Gryllotalpidae Male prairie mole crickets (Gryllotalpa major) aggregate their acoustic burrows in a lek arena where they display for females. Individuals produce a loud advertisement call of chirps just at sunset on spring evenings in the south-central prairies of the […]

Tissue level hsp70 varies in laboratory acclimated and field acclimatized salamanders along geographic and climatic gradients

ELWOOD, J.R.L.*; SPOTILA, J.R.; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA: Tissue level hsp70 varies in laboratory acclimated and field acclimatized salamanders along geographic and climatic gradients Tissues from salamanders representing twelve populations of the Plethodon glutinosus complex varied in hsp70 levels measured using ELISA. We selected populations along both geographic and climatic gradients. […]

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